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abbey road d enfer said:I don't subscribe to this purist attitude; very often the sound I want to hear is not achievable by just moving or swapping mics.pucho812 said:This is why I will eq or compress as little as possible when recording. Mixing is a whole other story though. ;D
To quote the late, great, Tom Dowd "If you grab an eq while we are recording, your fired!!! If you don't like the sound move the mic around until you find a sound you like. If that doesn't happen the use a different microphone."
The your fired part was the exact quote the rest was recalled to the best of my memory but the idea is there in full
Does anybody care about the phase shifts introduced by using a cardioid mic in close micing, or by an omni placed near a reflecting surface?
It seems phase is a dirty word; it shouldn't be. Phase is just the other side of frequency response, a very natural thing.
good point.