phone addiction

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Brian Roth

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Salina Kansas
Interesting article:

I still use a flip phone and seldom use the text capability.  But I am old and cranky  lol!

I recall a few years ago when I was called in to a new studio build-out, and for a cig smoke break with all the young (30-ish) guys I would be the only one on the studio's "porch" who wasn't futzing with their Androids or I-phone.

One more reason for me to realize I am obsolete!  lol


Very interesting and revealing!

I'm in my late 30s with no social media, no need to check messages compulsively, no watching series or movies on phone...

No need to say I'm the only one I know acting this way.

People in their 20s are even "worse". Of course there is no better or worse here but just a matter of how we interact
Brian Roth said:
One more reason for me to realize I am obsolete!  lol
The opposite. Your actually cutting-edge progressive, though a lot of people might not realize.
Personally I´d rather live in a sane world like a stone age man (*), than sink into
this hiatus of technological BS...

(*)We got to ask ourself, what do we really need, to what end, what is this life really about?
I have a small kid and work with a lot of kids anyway, so I have to constantly ask these questions to
myself to help them with the next few steps of their way. Good for me, I don´t want to live my life distracted from reality (well mostly ;D).

PS: My phone is a 10$ toy. It works mostly trouble-free for a decade now. I am allergic to FB et al.
And I´m not lonely.
I strongly use my smartphone for work and try to avoid it in my personal life, but it’s hard to do sometimes.

It’s quite alienating actually, I try to live a life without all that bullsh*t but every aspect of the world ended related to a smartphone in a way or other, even for meeting women, we live a crazy world.
Brian Roth said:
Interesting article:

I still use a flip phone and seldom use the text capability.  But I am old and cranky  lol!

I recall a few years ago when I was called in to a new studio build-out, and for a cig smoke break with all the young (30-ish) guys I would be the only one on the studio's "porch" who wasn't futzing with their Androids or I-phone.

One more reason for me to realize I am obsolete!  lol

After I stopped travelling for business, where the portable phone connectivity was useful, I dropped my cell phone service. Now I just have one landline.  I don't mind missing robo calls and political surveys while I'm out mowing my lawn.

BTW the "do not call" list is a bad joke... The majority of calls I get are junk calls. Some don't even bother to use a valid phone number when spoofing caller ID.

I spend less than 2 minutes a week using Facebook and use it just to stay in touch with people I cannot otherwise reach.

IMO, thanks to smartphones the internet is broken. Everything is dumbed down and consumerized to an unbearable extent. One example: ebay. Like every online shop, directory, forum etc. they have migrated from a clearly layed out list view to a view consiting largely of unnecessary information and very little content. It takes a lot of time to scroll by stuff like the name of the seller or simply background now. File explorers and even OS (like Windows) suffer from this.

When tech stuff was made for nerds you had clear hierarchical structures and search tools optimized for maxium clarity. Fast and efficient.

Now everything is aimed at the kind of person who browses around aimlessly. On top of that - at least on a smartphone - advertising pops up everywhere. I've got adblockers installed whereever possible, but I would actually pay for an app that sorts the internet for me so it doesn't waste my time...

I'm in my late 30s, but I get really grumpy about what technology has become.  ::)
there's a term for it , Electronic Autism

I’m remembering this one lol.
I remember the first time I was at a club with live music and everyone under 30 was texting each other at the same table .  Not talking to each other directly or even looking up. And need I say not listening to the music at all. Now it’s more like everyone under 60.  Different world.