PM1000 racking - a few questions

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2005
San Francisco, CA
so I have done a search and I found a wealth of info here about the electronic aspects of racking my 2 modules up. I am leaning towards the linear 48VDC supply from digikey, and using the diode method to bump the voltage down to 44V. Which leads to question 1:

does anyone have a part number for the necessary rectifier diodes? Or an electronic value so that I can order them with the power supply?

Next subject will be the case - I was thinking of getting a standard 2U rack box from Par Metal. My plan as of now is to take put the PCB's onto standoffs in the case and extend the leads to the pots to the front of the case. And I think I will add DPDT switches for the EQ and Phase (well, I may need a different amount of contacts for the phase switch) I will probably wire tie the transformers onto perf board - I hope to have some output transformers as well if things go as planned. Has anyone here racked PM1k modules this way? I am trying to make this as painless as possible - so I will probably take the big leap into having the panel drilled for me by FPE or a similar service.

if anyone has some advice, or pictures/descriptions of theie methods I would be thrilled to hear them before I place an order. I will probably begin the process next week. Thanks!
you can wire a polarity reverse on a dpdt no prob

A drill annd a sharpie is the most painless route, you'll be suprised at how much time you'll spend laying out a panel for FPE.

I'm planning on racking up a couple of these channels.

I already modified one channel. I took out the fader, pan knob and channel select switches. I rewired echo-send 1 to the fader and i added a output transformer to get a balanced output .. up to now everything seems to work ok.

Next i'm going to shorten the metal frame around the channel so I can fit 4 in a 4unit 19" case. I already ordered the cases.

I kinda like the group select switches with that turn green when you push them. So i'm planning on using two of them for phase and phantom.

All i need now are the parts for the power supplies (i want to buid them myself) and an extra output transformer.

I'll post pictures as soon as i've got something to show. Right now i've only got the electronics stuff working but i havn't started on the boxes yet.