Pocket AD Converter

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
Hello, I am searching for a simple (but high quality 24 bit) pocket AD Converter with Spdif output to connect to my M-Audio Microtrack 2496
I don't need the preamplifier stage because I'd use it with my preamplifiers
Do you know if it is possible to modify the optinal card made by Focusrite for their rack to use them in standalone mode?

The converter must be not necessarily the state of the art but a unit suffucient for obtaining professional recordings at 24 bit, 44.1Khz
The power suppy it is not a problem  because eventually I can realise it!
24bit says nothing about the quality of the converter. It merely speaks to the size of the transport.

You could have 16good bits and 8 bits of noise which would still equal 24bit, right?

Tip - look for the signal to noise ratio or dynamic range for a converter.

Hello Rochey,
I understand what you say ...  a good 16 bit converter is better than a not good 24 bit converter :)
I am searching for a small (but good) converter to use it for recording music with a professional quality (similar of what I obtain with my RME ADI8 DS)
Well, the ADC of the RME device you specified is 117dB A Weighted.
That's pretty damn good in this market.

I don't know of a pocket sized ADC at that performance, as DIY or a real product. Maybe others can help.

Getting to that spec requires more than just a good ADC IC -- 117dB or so will require a good power supply, good input conditioning for the ADC... not easy.

I have seen an interesting unit made some time ago by Black Lion Audio (the name of this unit is Sparrow) but it is really expensive, so I hope to find something of similar ... but cheaper!
Hi Joe, the M-Audio Sonica Theater seems to be a DAC USB interface ... not a standalone AD converter