For the most part, yeah
Not sure that 500pF-larger-than-stock input capacitance REALLY works as you might expect, though. Confirmation bias is a fickle mistress...
1nF into 1G gives a cutoff frequency of 0.16Hz - that's zero-point-sixteen Hertz, waaaaaaaaay below what you can expect to hear (not to mention, what you might want to pick up / record).
1.5nF into 1G pushes that even further down, to 0.106Hz. If you claim you can hear THAT difference, you're the most advanced whale / elephant (what other animals deal with infrasound / subsonic frequencies?) i've heard of

And "golden ears" like that belong to "audiophool" environments anyway, not in this blue-collar world

But i merely jest...
Jokes aside though, you'll also want to add a 100-200k resistor between the C2 "free end", and ground, and probe the signal at the connection between those two (in order to also see the effect of that output capacitor has on the low frequencies, and the load that a preamp that you would plug this mic into, would have on the circuit).
Other than that, yeah, looks about right indeed

And if you click on the name of the signal, in the plot window, you get a cursor you can grab the vertical line of, and drag side to side & see a detailed readout of the signal level at the respective frequency.
Although you might want to consider a JFET there, if that's what your real circuit is using..? Or rather, do indeed recreate THE actual circuit you're trying to analyze? But i do understand if / that this was a sanity-check first-attempt, just to make sure the "protocol" is right