Well-known member
Love the logo!!!!
kante1603 said:...and I love chickenheads!
Congrats,have fun mixing with it!
ruffrecords said:Love the logo!!!!
funkymonksf said:Ian,
I accidentally ordered 4x 470uf 400v caps for the tube gain stage PSU. Apparently I should of ordered 220uf. Will it have a significant effect if I use the 470uf caps or should I just order 4x220uf caps?
dirtyhanfri said:kante1603 said:...and I love chickenheads!
Congrats,have fun mixing with it!
ruffrecords said:Love the logo!!!!
Thanks to both, some friends use to call me Cheaper for it's english meaning (long story) and I decided to use it for my buildings
For sure, I'm having lot of fun with it
rmaier said:Very cool build! I really like the look of the logo and labels. How were they done?
dirtyhanfri said:rmaier said:Very cool build! I really like the look of the logo and labels. How were they done?
It's all photoshop work printed in a vinyl sticker. Cheap and nice.
dirtyhanfri said:Hi
I realised yesterday that my unit doesn't work propperly.
In one channel, the Low cut switch acts like Hi cut. In pos 1 to 5 of the switch it doesn't seem too bad, I can't hear it cutting lows, maybe just a bit, but when I go above pos. 5 it starts working as a LPF, lowering everything above 2K. The Boost switch seems to work fine. The other channel works nicely.
I've rechecked the wiring between switches and it looks fine, the same in both channels, so I can't figure what's going on.
Another thing I noticed (I think by the OEP transformers) is a soft fall in frequency response above 10K, It's nice, usable in mixes.
dirtyhanfri said:Hi
I realised yesterday that my unit doesn't work propperly.
In one channel, the Low cut switch acts like Hi cut. In pos 1 to 5 of the switch it doesn't seem too bad, I can't hear it cutting lows, maybe just a bit, but when I go above pos. 5 it starts working as a LPF, lowering everything above 2K. The Boost switch seems to work fine. The other channel works nicely.
I've rechecked the wiring between switches and it looks fine, the same in both channels, so I can't figure what's going on.
Another thing I noticed (I think by the OEP transformers) is a soft fall in frequency response above 10K, It's nice, usable in mixes.
Actually I can use it, because I never go as far in cutting lows, actually, I use the whole eq in a very subtle way, sometimes just bypassing the eq and runing the whole mix in it, and I really like it.
ruffrecords said:That's a pity, especially as one channel works OK. I guess the next thing to check is the components on the boards of the channel that does not work. If the lo cut starts to act like a hi cut then that sounds like a wiring error with the capacitors not connected in parallel with the low cut pot as they should be.
ruffrecords said:That's interesting. I have not heard of that before. One way to check is to turn all the boost and cut controls fully anti-clockwise. This should give you a near ruler flat frequency response. If you then switch between EQ in and EQ out, there should be no difference in sound.
wave said:I imagine that when you use it like that (eq bypassed) that you're getting the nice "tubey" sound from the gain make up stage and the iron? Did you use Ian's tube make up PCB?
dirtyhanfri said:BTW, my unit looks a bit noisier, I got a measurement program for mac, and it measured noise at -72 & 66 db's around 50Hz, I think it can be improved with some nicer wiring...