salomonander said:
hey Ian,
yes, its the same on all of my inductors. i did measure some other randome inductors i had lying around and they showed similar behaviour.
as you have said, the only proper way to fix this is most likely to re-calculate for another lower value inductor. while a pain for all, i think it would be worth it. if you dont have the time i might try myself but im horrible at math

but building an eq that i intend to use for high end bossing that has this behaviour is not an option for me.
If only it were as simple as recalculating for a different inductor. The problem, as I have explained privately to Jonas is one of sharpness (Q) and impedance. The sharpness (Q) of a series resonant circuit like the one used in this EQ is given by:
Q = w*L/R
where w(omega) is 2*pi*f where f is the frequency, L is the inductance and R the obverall circuit resistance. If we just make L smaller to raise the self resonant frequency, the Q is lowered (which probably explains why there are no vintage high Q EQs)
Rearranging the above formula you get:
L = Q*R/w which means for a given Q and frequency, L depends on the overall circuit impedance. The original Pultec is designed as a 600 ohm input and uses a 10K pot and a 1K pot to form its basic divider and it is these that determine the basic circuit resistance R. Today we use 10K inputs so when I designed the Poor Man's Pultec I raised the pot values by 5 times to 50K and 5K which means the circuit resistance is also 5 times higher so the inductor values need to be five times higher to get the same Q -a dn now we know what the hidden consequences of that are. The orignal Poor Man's Pultec had
no inductors in it. After resisiting a lot of requests I finally relented and added the mid section but it was always known to be a bit of a compromise. Later after many requests for a high boost like the original I came up with the 3band version. As as been said, many people have built this and are perfectly happy with it, quirks and all.
So, bottom line is, to lower the inductor value and maintain the original Q needs a complete redesign and will change the input impedance of the EQ. The question is how low to go? The VTB9044 used in the REDD EQ I am told hs a much higher self resoance. The REDD EQ uses 22K and 5K1 resistors in its pot divider so its circuit resistance is about half that of the 3B Pultec. This combined with the inductance being about one fifth that of the Pultec means the Q of the REDD is about 2.5 times lower than the Pultec. So we could change the pot divider to 22K and 2K2 to maintain the range of the boost/cut, use the VTB9044 and accept a lower Q. To keep the Q as it is with the VTB9044 we would need to change the pot divider to 10K and 1K just like the orignal Pultec which means the input is now more like 600 ohms and the inout trnaformer would need to be changed.
Another alternative is to keep the existing pot divider and change the inductors to use individual 100mH inductors (Toko, Murata etc). To make the 1H total of the VTB9042 will need 10 in series nd for the 2H of the VTB9050 will need 20. I think it would make sense to accept lower Q at the lower frequencies of both bands so that maximum inductance is halved in both cases so we just need just 5 inductors for the high boost and 10 for the low.
The only other thing worth thinking about is if there is some way to dampen the out of band peak (ascillation is not the right word) but doing this without affecting the the overall response may not be possibe.