Postal Service suspends incoming parcels from China and Hong Kong

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That means I have a couple hundred bucks stuck in transit. Oh well. I think the Orange man is doing too much too fast.
I've had a couple tube sockets tied up from USPS coming from Georgia,USA for a week now.... wonder what their excuse is for that...
Usually use DHL for pcbs from China... wonder if that's affected...
I am not a fan of the politic/controversy forum but as a moderator I try to follow the convention. Political influencers are trying to spin up recent tariff negotiations as a hardship on citizens. AOC is predicting that the cost of coffee will go up, Schumer is predicting more expensive beer and guacamole during Super bowl parties.

It won't take too many more mentions of POTUS positive or negative, to get this thread moved.


PS: This new political/controversy sub-forum is not intended to suppress discussion but to make it easier to ignore for those so inclined. As a mod I can't ignore any of this. 🤔
I've had a couple tube sockets tied up from USPS coming from Georgia,USA for a week now....
Georgia's distribution system has been crippled by a certain Louis DeJoy. Various Georgia congresspeople (both R and D) have publicly ripped him a new one, but he will not be swayed from his job of destroying USPS. (Look for the footage of him covering his ears as he's questioned by a Georgia Congressman.)
I've had a couple tube sockets tied up from USPS coming from Georgia,USA for a week now.... wonder what their excuse is for that...
Usually use DHL for pcbs from China... wonder if that's affected...
I think DHL shipping should still be fine, but it seems likely we'd need to pay a tariff on these low-value packages. Up until now, we haven't had to pay tariffs on packages valued under $800.

Goodbye, "Free ePacket Delivery"
Over the decades working at several different small businesses I have been forced to conform to import duty/tariff restrictions (paperwork etc) when shipping SKUs around the world. One time I had to pay for shipping the same SKU (my drum tuner) twice, because my not very smart customer didn't pay the duty and pick up his Tuner in a timely fashion. The country shipped the tuner back to me, and I had to pay to ship it a second time. My out of pocket shipping cost was far in excess of crazy cheap shipping deal that China gets for all the exempted poop they sell (sold?). My 2x shipping expense more than wiped out any profit from that sale, but I felt bad for the incompetent customer.

I appreciate that when viewed as "what does this cost me" people will have to personally pay more for cheap poop from China, or preferably find cheap poop made locally. China has been wildly profiting from this exclusion loophole for years (decades but it wasn't always $800). It's hard to still think of the world's second largest economy as some struggling nation that needs export subsidies but they have been gaming trade with the western world this way for decades.

Perhaps back in the 70s when President Nixon first opened up trade with China they deserved some special accommodations, but now they are clearly a powerful adversary that we must protect ourselves from. Where do you think fentanyl (ingredients) come from?

Georgia's distribution system has been crippled by a certain Louis DeJoy. Various Georgia congresspeople (both R and D) have publicly ripped him a new one, but he will not be swayed from his job of destroying USPS. (Look for the footage of him covering his ears as he's questioned by a Georgia Congressman.)
The USPS does not need help screwing the pooch. They are clearly a gang that can't shoot straight. I subscribed to postal delivery of my daily WSJ newspaper to/from this same local post office since the mid 80s. Back in 1985 my newspaper would be waiting in my PO Box early enough that I could read the front page with my morning coffee and still drive to work and be in my office on time by 8AM. Now I rarely see a paper on the day it was printed and at the moment I havent seen a paper for about a week. Note this is a daily paper. :rolleyes:

[edit- BTW if anything the volume of first class mail has dramatically fallen, and alternate shipping options have increased so they should have less volume to deal with. Of course paying their bills will not be easy. I have an amusing (to me) anecdote about a discussion I had with the postmaster the other day, but I don't think I should share that. ;) ]

"Did you get my letter?" :unsure::LOL:
Funny.... I have been wrestling with sub standard delivery of my daily WSJ newspaper for years. I expect the problem is related to the multi-million dollar automated sorting machine not reading labels off single newspapers. From my research I found the name of the guy in charge of the sorting center my papers must go through in Jackson, MS. I also found the street address for the sorting center in the same article so wrote a letter to the man in charge of the operation.

My letter was returned as undeliverable. 🤔

My recent order from china came in last week no problem. I must have just missed the start of the change law.
If it was already on a slow boat it likely isn't going to get recalled.
My restarted newspaper subscription is still failing to arrive. two days ago I got an email from WSJ telling me that delivery will begin that day... Now day two and still no newspaper.

Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. At least they're not coming a day ahead of time... That would be scary...unless Powerball numbers are in
I did a few weeks ago... I dropped my WSJ and subscribed to USA Today (an inferior paper).

In the weeks since then, not one USA Today arrived. We'll see if the WSJ shows up today, they claimed it would start showing up Wed. :rolleyes:

I still haven't seen my first WSJ newspaper delivery since the subscription restarted two days ago...

0 for 2....

My experience with the postal service has been that it really depends on the situation in your local post office. I've lived places where I had zero problems with my mail for years, and other places where I had constant problems. It seems to be totally independent of whatever upper administration is in charge and more to do with if the local postmaster is any good at their job The worst ones in my experience were small towns in NY. I've been getting very good reliable service where I currently live in WV.
My experience with the postal service has been that it really depends on the situation in your local post office. I've lived places where I had zero problems with my mail for years, and other places where I had constant problems. It seems to be totally independent of whatever upper administration is in charge and more to do with if the local postmaster is any good at their job The worst ones in my experience were small towns in NY. I've been getting very good reliable service where I currently live in WV.
My personal experience is rather different while the local postmaster (mistress) does make a difference.

Here's an example... When I bought this house I inherited a PO Box and with the PO just across the street this was not much of a hassle. And as I shared before I used to get my newspaper in my PO box before I would have received delivery to a mail box. But that isn't the story about how local personnel can affect service. Over the years I had a couple gotcha's caused by not receiving mail delivered to my physical address. Years ago I received a notice that my house/property was being auctioned to satisfy unpaid taxes. At the time we were being taxed separately by the town and the county. I was paying the one tax bill that was getting delivered to my PO Box, unaware that there was a second tax bill that wasn't getting paid. Thankfully the auction notice was delivered into my PO Box and I responded immediately. I visited the tax collector's office and requested that they use my actual mail address. :rolleyes:

Years later I had another glitch. For years my house insurance bills were addressed to my street address, and paid until a new postmaster decided to return the bill to the sender as undeliverable. I did receive the notice that they were cancelling my house insurance for non-payment, and got that corrected.

Over a year ago I Installed a proper mail box in front of my house and for the last year I have been diligently trying to correct mail addressed to my old PO Box address. I have also made a point of being friendly with the postmaster. :cool:

Here's an anecdote that I found amusing I recently changed the official address for my Social Security account. I was unhappy to almost immediately get a mailing from Soc Sec but it was just them checking with me to confirm that I was who changed the address (a good thing). But I still received mail at the old address a few times since then. I was having a friendly conversation with my postmaster explaining the recent brouhaha about DEI in government. When I complained to her about still getting Social Security mail to my PO box, she joked that it must be one of those DEI workers. ;) She is not DEI although tagging a couple woke boxes (black, woman, etc).

Back on topic I have identified my problem as occurring one level upstream at the regional sorting center in Jackson (maybe 50 miles away). The pattern of flaky deliveries are not suggestive of simple capacity overload but random with multiple papers showing up some days, and random papers sometimes over a week late. It looks like today is another swing and a miss so 0 for 3 since restarting my subscription


PS: One side effect I have read 230 pages of the Harari "Nexus" book (about halfway thru), during the time I used to be reading my missing daily newspapers.