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New member
Apr 18, 2005
Germantown, Wisconsin
Hi, I've been watching this project for a while and am blown away by what you guys have put together. I am not an engineer and most of this stuff blows right by me but I have some production pcb experience and would like to build one of these comps.
Here's my story, short version. We're out here in Rockfield, Wisconsin. My daughter is in a band "The Andreas". The girls got me interested in playing again. So one of the other dads and I joined up with a middle school teacher who has band and recording experience. Next thing you know, we pick up some used PA gear, some recording stuff, which I know almost nothing about. Well after I heard John mic up the drums and compress the kick and snare I realized the supreme importance of compression.
Now the studio is drywalled, and ready for mud. Here we go. We need another four comps and it sounds like the pico is better than what we have now. Might be Alesis, & DBX, not sure. Anyway I want to build one of these and perhaps more if John is impressed.
Again, I am so impressed with how you have put this together. Hats off to all of you.
Welcome to the forum, akapaulie.

Many people build and like the ssl clone comp.

Maybe you should build that?

Check the meta for information.
Welcome Paulie!

Change the title of this thread to:

"Using the picocompressor GR meter to impress your friends."

Trust me on this one. :grin:
Kit, thanks for your reply.

Am sifting through the ssl clone info. Part of my problem is someone will use a term like channel strip (what an idiot) and I have to stop... find a definition for it and return. Then someone will use another term and well that's how it goes. I went through the same thing at micbuilders on Yahoo. Took me a over a month of reading before I had enough nerve to ask a question.

So, I continue to read and re-read this stuff. Talked to John at practice last night and he said we defintely have to have a noise gate.
I heard one of the guys raise the gate question regarding the 4301.

Would it be your opinion that the 4301 is ready to go. Just curious because you suggested the ssl clone.

Well thanks again Kit.
Thanks Skipwave, " So what is a Bear Fan such as yourself doing in a place like this" I listen to Dan Patrick on ESPN and it was like week five before it was unanimous, Da Bears are for real. Unlike the Packers, bless their hearts will be lucky to go 8 and 8. Enough of that.

I detect a little uneasyness about the 4301?
Mind you I'm not interested in the blinking lights part at this point. Bottom line, we need comps and when I read the words "studio quality", I guess it got my attention. Thought I had my mind made up about building something. Kit mentioned the ssl clone and then your comment made me a little uneasy. This 4301, what do you think?
Thanks Skipwave,
Oops, I didn't mean to create any uneasiness regarding the pico. I was just making a joke referencing something that happened here a week or so ago. See this THREAD.

I would like to build a Pico as well, but for the near future I'm focused on mic pres and tube comps.

I have the utmost respect for Roger, and I'm sure any project he endorses will live up to his description of it.
Roger - I was responding to Paulie's response addressing me. He seemed to take my wisecrack about the GR meter as a descenting opinion of the 4301.

[quote author="akapaulie"]Thanks Skipwave... I detect a little uneasyness about the 4301? [/quote]

Oh, why must on make jokes on the interweb? Confusion always ensues! :green: Oh well, carry on. :thumb:
Alright Skipwave I read the thread and I get it. Pretty funny by the way. Being new to a forum, well, it's like looking from the outside in. A miscue on my part.

It's settled then. I want to build the Pico comp. Just have to pull the trigger on ordering the goodies.

By the way Roger thanks for the welcome post and info regarding the 4301.
I read a few posts about the PS regulator and need to get a handle on that. Then there is packaging. It seems logical to stay with rack mount dimensions. A friend has a machine shop. Am thinking we could come up with something. I'll be ready next week to order, that is if availability is not a problem.
Hopefully everyone will have a healthy Thanksgiving. I'll just chase it with a little red wine and counteract the devastating effects of eating til it hurts.