OK, PRR bails me out again!
this darn amp, it has a problem so i mod the circuit to make it work anyway,
troubleshooting, you go from self doubt and introspection to joy and gleefulness, it is a vicious cycle that can make you pray to Jesus,
and this was no different, probably the weirdest problem i have ever solved in a tube circuit, and i built my first heathkit back in 66,(regen radio, worked like crap but picked up KFRC at night) so i have been at it a while,
here is what happened:
on just about every Fender schemo i have checked, the cathode resistor and cap layout for each tube section progresses in a normal matter, that is, on the circuit board, cathode hookup point goes V1a, V1b, V2a, V2b,
well, on the Princeton Reverb, the cathode hookup point for V3a and V3b are reversed!
this is because there is a 47 ohm resistor that goes to ground on V3b, so the layout is designed to make this happen in a neat way.
so i swapped the cathode hookups on V3.
this means that the negative feedback from the output transformer now goes to the reverb driver tube, which now has the 47 ohm resistor hanging off the bottom.
now when i grounded the grid on the reverb driver, i still had a dry signal on the cathode of the reverb driver, which modulates the tube with dry signal.
remember what PRR said up there>
Grounding the reverb recovery grid does very little to change that. (If it does, signal is leaking some other path.)"
well mr psychic, "some other path" was the mis-wired negative feedback,
so when you turn up the reverb pot, this dry signal gets shipped up to the end of the 3.3 meg. well when you modulate a cathode, there is no phase reversal like a normal triode stage, the signal off the plate will be in phase with the signal on the cathode, which in this case, happened to be out of phase with the dry signal coming in from the preamp tubes, so when you turn the reverb pot, you are adding amplified neg feedback coming from the reverb driver tube to the dry signal,
why didn't the vibrato still work with the reverb turned up? this is interesting, vibrato does not work on a reverb signal that well! the echo covers it up, so when you use vibrato with reverb, you hear the dry signal with vibrato, not the reverb signal, but since they are mixed, it works fine, since i had all reverb signal and no dry signal with the reverb pot turned up, the vibrato could not be heard that well.
so what were my symptoms that were posted? too much volume, no vibrato when the reverb is turned up, and also a loss of overall volume as the reverb is turned up, as well as too much reverb! 4 problems for one swapped lead. :
so i tried to compensate by putting in the 220k to ground, which cut down on the out of phase signal which helped the volume drop with the reverb pot turned up,and which also helped cut down the excess reverb, but did nothing to help the vibrato problem with reverb turned up.
so i tweaked the vibrato circuit to compensate for that also.
but the circuit still had traces of the problems encountered.
so i tried changing the .003 to see if leakage was reducing gain on V3b by leaking DC onto the grid, but no joy.
finally i spotted the error, rewired the cathodes correctly, and viola! everything is working, gain of the amp is back to stock with the neg feedback on the right cathode, no volume reduction when the reverb is turned up, reveb pot works great, too much vibrato since i modified it, ;D,
i was wondering why changing the feedback resistor value did not do anything to the dry signal, well with the reverb pot turned off, the neg feedback does not hit the 3.3 meg,
here is the layout so you can see the trap i fell into, look at the cathodes for the third tube from the right:
now i have a vibrato that thumps real nice with the intensity turned all the way up, think i'll leave it for special effects,
some Fenders have an even amount of gain stages which means that the amp plays "forward" or in phase.
some Fenders have an odd number of gain stages, blackface amps can have normal and vibrato phases different, so you can not daisy chain a Y cord into both channels, the signals will cancel and sound horrible,
OPT's are always wound so that pri and sec are in phase, you cn verify the phase by checking feedback polarity,
watch out for speakers, some old jensen types have reversed polarity,
stick a 9 volt batt, + on spk +. and see which way the cone moves, if it moves out, the speaker is plus polarity,
Marshall amps play out of phase, so watch it when combinig Fender and Marshall.
i had the OPT leads swapped, which resulted in neg feedback as i was injecting it onto the grid and not the cathode due to the reversed cathode leads.
gonna yank the 220K to see which way is best,
here is a pic of how i had this amp wired, the U's are phase trackers>