Ok. After removing and replacing tr8, my suspicions were correct! Indeed it was the component causing the noise issue on the right channel. I found it by chance when I touched a leg on the transistor with a little screwdriver and it went pop!...and the noise disappeared.

...In addition, with just the XLR output cables plugged in and both channel amps cranked...i noticed i still had a teeny tiny little buzz in each channel. After some poking around, I sourced it to the bypass relay boards and hence the 12vdc power supply which needed to be grounded. After replacing the transistor and grounding the 12v supply, both of my channels are now dead quiet....no cell phone interference(i never experienced any of that), no buzz or hum.
Indeed I did have the thresholds wired backwards... Now they function as they should, increasing compression as they're dialed further into the counter-clockwise position.
I tried to follow Mdainsd instructions on setting r52(release). I set the threshold for -10db, maximum reduction...and input a -10 db signal(.24vdc sine) into both channels. I already had the release trims previously turned all the way down(meters at zero). The base of tr11 showed the normal pulses(spikes) on both channels which increased when I applied the -10db signal. I increased the release trimmers until the pulses just barely started to move upwards and then set them both identically and left them there. Hopefully I did this correctly!
Interestingly, I remembered that I had the Eddie Kramer Pye plugin on my computer, which is supposed to be a digital true replica of a Pye unit. So, I booted the workstation up and ran a drum loop through it to check the controls. Unsurprisingly, it was operationally identical to the DIY unit...including the volume bump/offset that happens when one switches to limit. Only real difference is, this hardware unit sounds incredible....and the plugin, well....sounds like a plugin.
So...both these channels now are working properly(as far as I can tell!). Other than waiting on the knobs, running a few more tests, etc. I'm feeling like they're close to being buttoned up!