When you fiddle to much with R23 it can cause shutdown of audio signal. Maybe Spence has set the value of this trimmer to off and that is why it's not passing audio anymore.
Spence, did you happen to desolder this (or any other) trimmer and later solder it back?
My situation was that one trimmer was burnt. They are very fragile and too much heat can burn them.
And specifically this pcb has very narrow holes for components so taking components out is a hassle and requires a lot of heating. Maybe that's the way you've burned it.
As a precaution, I would take all the trimmers out, throw them in trash, get new ones and set them to preferred values before soldering them in. At least trimmers are cheap and it's a half'n hour job
And once you do that DO NOT rotate trimmers anymore. That way you'll know that the problem has got nothing to do with them. Then you can go searching for problems elsewhere! See, trimmers on wrong values can cause a domino effect on other components. You'll never know what is wrong unless you know you got your trim values on a correct spot.
After you get all your audio passing and compression going on on all ratios and speeds, only then you start calibrating meter and overall responsiveness of the unit (read: rotating trimmers)