tommypiper said:
Can you explain why there won't be symmetrical clipping? Are you referring to the diode or a general principal which effects P-P output pairs? Or something else...?
I think you are investing too much magic into the output stage topology (P-P)... Solid state devices will saturate fairly consistently without matching and that saturation will be dominated by the drive circuitry and/or other external factors (like DC operating point for a single supply amp). If that drive is not symmetrical or identical for pull-up and pull-down, it should not be expected to clip symmetrically, and from observation that amp's drive circuits are not symmetrical.
The drive pull-up is bootstrapped , so it will likely saturate in that direction when the output device runs out of PS rail voltage. OTOH it has an active pull-down circuit that involves some internal voltage drop to work, so it will saturate in that direction before reaching ground.
If you really care about symmetrical clipping perhaps tweak the DC operating point (slightly above V/2), but I am
REALLY reluctant to encourage you in that pursuit. :
In general, do P-P output pairs benefit from matching?
Not for this design... and not for solid state in general***... In fact I would not expect P type and N type devices to ever be very well matched. The only kind of matching (perhaps) would be for devices configured in parallel to increase output current, but even they generally use emitter degeneration resistors to force sharing making matching unnecessary.
Rather than kill brain cells over matching to clip similarly, perhaps don't clip that stage. If you plan to clip it routinely the recovery from clipping behavior is probably more audibly significant. Anti-saturation clamps can prevent device saturation and speed up device recovery after clipping, but for that crude design, I'd just avoid clipping it.
*** MOSFET power devices when paralleled might benefit from Vgs matching (does anybody still make lateral MOSFETS? )