Raspberry PI IPO

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I really thought this topic was "Raspberry PI PIO", as in the programmable IO feature of the RP2040. I got excited, but alas, it was a misread.

I adore RP and all of their products: my main misgiving is that, even after 12 years of trying, they can't seem to manage a supply chain properly. Every single one of their products has had supply issues and every time I've tried to purchase a new product, I've had to wait months for stock to arrive after it was announced as "available to the public".
Perhaps wait for a sag. Peter Lynch says "buy what you know", and I add "as long as it has upside". Most IPO's lose their lustre after the offering, and sometimes an IPO is only an eventual cash-out for the principles and the IB. And not a great report from Matador: you gotta have chain.
That said, I believe in the philosophy and products, so it is on my watch list for a "buy when bloody" .
RPI is "penny shares", that might have limited liquidity at first, and i hope that does not delay an ADR for US retail investors. The volume demand has to be there. THEN you have a chance to own a "chat room stock", which can provide for some interesting entertainment.
Go Pi!