Recommendations: Cheap Oscilloscope?

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you can do better than that nice one
Thank you Scenaria, that helps a lot. I take it you dig the Tektronix scopes the best?

How hard is it to find replacement probes for these?
I got a used Tek 2245 (dual scope, 60Mhz) for only $150 on eBay. The probes you can get for $19 and includes a complete set of different tips.
i got a tek 465 a few months back for $150. ITs very cool. The local electronics shop that doenst have ANYTHING had probes cheap, based on that I dont thnk its too hard to find probes, mouser and digikey have 'em I think too.

I dig tektronix but I also think that leader scopes provide good value for the dollar (often overlooked in favor of a tek)
Tektronix rules ! 465 is a great scope, the only thing that is slowly giving up on mine is the cooling fan which whines a lot when scope is used in vertical position.
just to make you know :
I own a tektronix 468. My father use it when he was working as a technician. So it was bought I think in 1982 or something like that (maybe later...)
Well, 2 years ago, I had a BIG problem with it : the memory stuff (don't know the english word, but you know, the thing that record the signal) didn't work anymore, channel 1 wasn't working... well it became an half scope...
I search on the web for an answer, and I hasn't got the money to send to scope specialist to fix it. i finally found someone that had the same problem. it was the eprom (!!??!!) that broke up... they were obselete part (mostek or something like that) and of course unavailable from tektronix... well finally the guy found an old technician from tektronix (or something like that) who give him the wiring of the chip and the hex code :) with a simple diy socket and 2 2764 it now works perfectly again!

I know this has nothing to do with the subject, but if someone has got the same problem, mail me! I have all the stuff to fix it! And as I was quite worried when it wasn't working, and I only find a few people to help, it's now my turn to help if someone is in trouble :)
[quote author="cjenrick"]i got a heathkit for 20 bucks[/quote]

That you'll sell me, or that you bought for yourself? Does it do all of the basic stuff I would need it to? If so, I'd be interested, just give me some details.

all you need for audio is something that will go up to about 1 megahertz.
i found an old classroom scope from the early seventies for 20. it does all the basic stuff, and then i use a newer scope for accurate measurments as it has a voltage and frequency readout, which saves a lot of time.
i don't have anything for sale, but check your local want ads , evilbay, and the Black Market.
Not to poke at you but we have already discussed this in a thread here.
I did the search for you.
Trust Tek also see my post on the HP1200B
it is the best audio scope on the planet.
100uV (yes microvolt) per division.
Dual trace at a whopping .5Mhz
Balanced inputs bananna plugs
and the thinnest sharpest green line anywhere.
I think the A version was non rackmount and the B version is rackmount.
[quote author="adrianh"]tubejay;
Not to poke at you but we have already discussed this in a thread here.
I did the search for you.

I actually saw that thread, but my operative word was "cheap". I guess I was looking for something a little cheaper than what had been mentioned in that thread. It sounds like that's not a good idea. I just want something that will get me started, and let me test basic functions.

Thanks for the info.
My Dad got me one for my birthday at Purdue U. A couple of times a year they sell off their old stuff cheap. I think he paid like $25 or $30 for it. It only goes up to 500kHz but it's rack mount, built like a tank and who can argue the price? You might be able to score something similar at a college near you.

if you can find a decent one somewhere between the $20 and $60 range I think you should be happy.... after all the capability gained from having a scope greatly out weighs $50
Can anyone tell me if the Tektronix 453 is a decent oscilloscope for a beginner. Right now I'm deciding between a 453 and 454.

Here's the 453

Here's the 454

These aren't the auctions I'm after, those are kept away from sniping eyes! :)

I'm looking at $50 for th 453 (which I'm leaning toward) and $100 for the 454.

Keep in mind, I just need this to do the basic things needed for DIY. I've never used an O-scope for my diy stuff, so anything will be a step up. The last time I used a scope was in I haven't even used one in years. However, I think it would be good for troubleshooting to have one around. Anyone have any experience with either of these?
personally, I'm not crazy about either of those... I don't like the way they're laid out, don't like the tiny screen.

That said, they're probably great scopes.

I'm the king of cheap scopes on ebay :) I've bought four scopes and a logic analyzer on ebay in the last two years. I bought a 25MHz philips dualtrace first, then a labvolt 15MHz (which now has a dead channel), both for under $40 including the HUGE shipping. Then last xmas, I bought a philips 50MHz dual timebase analog storage scope for like $60, and then bought a HP1630B 32 channel logic analyzer over the summer for $130. Now, I've bought a tek 2230 digital storage scope for $380, which is by far the most I've ever thought I'd spend. It's coming in the mail tonight, so lets hope I didnt get ripped off!
Do you want to sell me any of your old scopes (you seem to collect them) for a good price???

I can't imagine I'll even use the scope much, so as long as it does what I need it to, I should be okay. I really have NO CLUE what a good scope is, so I'm just searching for Tektronix scopes that I know the model numbers of. When I see other brand names, I just have no clue if they're any good. There's so many out there, and weeding through them for a guy like me is near impossible. All I know is I want one, and now.
I would certainly be willing to sell you one of my old scopes, but I'm not sure that'd be the best option for you.

My labvolt has a dead channel, and isn't a great scope to begin with, plus the case was taken apart (for fixation) long ago, and the bottom and all the screws are long gone :green:

My 25Mhz philips was a really great scope, only thing wrong with it was the screen bezel and the green filter plastic junk was gone, which is not a huge deal. It has a nicer lighted graticle than my newer philips in my opinion.

BUT, it was out of service and in the living room, and the damn dog chewed the power cord off of it (not a HUGE deal, there's enough of a stub to put a new cord on, come on we're DIYers!), and the vertical position knob for channel 1 got knocked off. I haven't even looked at it to see if it'd be simple to replace.

My newer Philips is in service right now, and I probably won't be getting rid of it, as it was an xmas gift from my fiancee.

If you want either of the older two, we can make arrangements, but I'd be happy to help you find a nicer one on ebay. What's your budget?
I got this guy for $50 (shipping included):

It's a 25MHz dual trace Kikusui with 1mV/div sensitivity - great for audio! It came with no probes or power cord, though. Otherwise, it's fine.


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