Would this be a good one? Found someone selling it for 75 dollars locally.
That's more of a collectors item.
And a pretty "recent" one at that

With a quick glance, the price is about what those go for.
That said, I still occasionally use my first one I bought in ~90 or so single trace Telequipment s54a, from roughly the same era.
A friend of mine has the dual trace version, and occasionally uses it as well.
While these 10MHz scopes are still perfectly adequate for audio, especially tube audio, the absence of a second trace makes troubleshooting for example phase, gain and amplification related issues a bit of a hassle.
This is the one I am using now. It's very cheaply made, but it works ok for checking if there is signal...but I would like to upgrade to something a bit more accurate and reliable.
Both the accuracy (if the advertized 200KHz bandwidth is correct) and reliability (to a degree) will probably be improved, but I'd look for a dual trace scope instead.
Makes life a whole lot easier

OTOH, if that RCA works well, the probe is included (for testing if for nothing else, probes are nowadays cheap), and there's nothing else available locally, IMHO one can't go wrong with these oldies.
The key is to be able to test it, so a signal generator of some sort is a must.
If I'd need/want one, would definitely not by one if I couldn't test it.