Regulated Power Supply Kit from Ebay worth it ?

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Hi folks, has anyone tried buying  a  regulated power supply kit  from ebay , are they worth money ?
For stompboxes, pedal units and stuff like that ...
I was looking something like that:

I was about to built my own with LM7812 , this one :

(i actually want a 12V regulated noiseless PSU only)

But i thought buying components etc would cost me about the same ...
As a 'diy build' sure, why not. 

Fairly cheap  ...  always a good experience to package and test a module like this .. with a bonus led display too.

Just be sure to be 'mains safe' if this is an early build  ..


For a simple, decent 12V  supply you could probably get something more 'packaged'  and completed.

But this is diy why not!
Ok thats what i was thinking about, i ll give a try. At least i guess it should be less noisy than an atx psu diy to power bench that i made in the past right?