So.. I am trying to make this Neumann/Gefell U57 work and wanted to post here. The customer service of Gefell didn’t help and unfortunately I am not experienced in mics.. I would appreciate any help.
The mic and the power supply don’t look too bad to me, but there certainly are a few problems and modifications:

Even though the heater voltage is too low, the mic works a bit.. It will probably need a new capsule and the owner wants the EC92 back, but I need to repair the power supply first.
The filter caps must should be changed. I was thinking of designing and etching a PCB board for the filter caps without touching the resistors and rectifiers on the other side much.. Maybe I can also add:

The mic and the power supply don’t look too bad to me, but there certainly are a few problems and modifications:
- An XLR output is installed. There is an 12AT7 instead of the EC92. The last filter cap is a newer 1000uf. And 1n4007’s are installed for the B+ rectification.
- The heater voltage to low. It is around 2,8V (instead of 5.8V) and can’t be adjusted higher. The 12AT7 should pull twice as much current, but it still seems to be too low.
- The plate voltage is 145V (should be roughly 120V). Don’t know yet if the GR 27-46’s are okay.. Possibly not.. One of them is flickering.

Even though the heater voltage is too low, the mic works a bit.. It will probably need a new capsule and the owner wants the EC92 back, but I need to repair the power supply first.
The filter caps must should be changed. I was thinking of designing and etching a PCB board for the filter caps without touching the resistors and rectifiers on the other side much.. Maybe I can also add:
- A LM317 for the heater voltage regulation?
- New rectifier for the heater voltage?
- A few zeners for the high voltage regulation?
- And two additional fuses..

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