Republican,Democrat,Conservative,Liberal.Is it all just an illusion?

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
Found this interview lately . Its about two hours long ,its a riveting watch though.
No doubt many of you will have explored some of the themes Chip talks about before ,but the level of detail puts a new perspective on things for me.

I'm interested to hear people views ,no matter what side of the political fence you happen to have landed on .
It interesting and points out to me the Slippery Slope you get into with the Russian Boogie man argument.  The US meddles in everybody's country and has forever.  Hell they tapped Merkels cell phone.  What goes around comes around.  When we have transparency in our own country's behavior, maybe we can try to contain pandora's box.    The hacking of the NSA in 2015 and 2016 has shown that bots, and malware (software that was developed by the NSA), have been stolen from the inside or hacked from the outside and now appear on the dark web for sale to the highest bidder.

I did an Album for a friend in 2011 for a so called Truther Movement (lots of urban myths and some truths).  After we finished  I just wanted to hide out from it and write love songs.  hahaha.  I think the people that do these deeds for whomever are some kind of misguided patriate thrill seeker criminal or something. 

It is all an illusion in whats right and wrong with a world that has its dark secrets and the groups that want to manipulate for someones gain at the expense of someones loss.  Lots of new stories to add to the bible or whatever your good book is.
Tubetec said:
Found this interview lately . Its about two hours long ,its a riveting watch though.
No doubt many of you will have explored some of the themes Chip talks about before ,but the level of detail puts a new perspective on things for me.

I'm interested to hear people views ,no matter what side of the political fence you happen to have landed on .

The clip is very long, so not sure what you mean exactly, but I suspect it may fall under "elite theory"

The world is always more nuanced, so even though it is a completely sensical approach, using it will only cast light on the aspects of reality its designed to uncover. Painting with a broader brush will turn out nonsensical conclusions - often in the form of very general and all-involved conspiracy theories for this approach. 

I'd say, that unless you believe that power elites are 100% unified, and policy-making and electioneering can be boiled down to utilitarian constructs, the divisions do matter.

Gustav said:
I'd say, that unless you believe that power elites are 100% unified, and policy-making and electioneering can be boiled down to utilitarian constructs, the divisions do matter.

The divisions between them are incidental, imo,  compared to what they have in common.


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First of all thanks to everyone who viewed the clip I posted .I can understand why some people would be hesitant to post on this most thorny subject.
I think the stuff Chip talks about in the interview takes place everywhere ,I dont think its just the USA that does it.
It really does show up the double standard with regard to the so called war on drugs though.Without drugs remaining illegal  ,the Cia's means of funding black ops would be gone, or at least very much reduced. It also pokes a very big hole in the arguments for going to war ,to bring democracy and the rule of law ,when really its more about setting up puppet governments ,guns in, drugs and resources out  at a favourable price.
Theres an old saying ,'for bad things to happen good people have to turn a blind eye'.The whole Weinstien situation and its ripple effect is seeing many so called pillars of society fall spectacularly from grace. Of course theres a few who will jump on the bandwagon ,but overall this situation empowers the victims and gives them a voice . These kinds of powerful people with a lot to hide I suspect are precisely the kinds of people that shadowy intelligence organisations have in their pocket ,its  kind of a pyramid of dirt . In another more recent interview Chip Tatum talks about Snowden ,and basically says Ed left himself up the creek without a paddle. If he wanted any chance of being a free to live in the US he should have kept some of the dirt up his slieve,faced the charges in a court of law and shown that what he did was in the public interest.Of course now that Ed has had to fall at the feet of Putin means he will probably never set foot in the USA again ,unless the spooks get a chance to snatch him back at some point.

So a bit of a rambler of a post I know ,but hopefully some more will chime in on some of the points Ive raised.
Thanks again.
