Ive been tempted to get into Ham radio a long time , I should have done the liscense and got the ticket years ago
I had planned to start a SDR project with a buddy who lives in the mountains about 60km away , just to test how lower powered signals might be skywaved or bounced off the ionsosphere . It ended up shelved due to covid .
The Malachite V4 looks nice , solid aluminium case and improved encoders , stand alone li-on powered but can be used via the computer and third party software if you want . There also seems to be different firmwares available opening up the option of all kinds of other RF mischief .It doubles up perfectly as a stereo table top radio with an FFT display .
The hack Rf is half duplex but paired up with the malachite on the receive end makes a nice compact two box ham radio setup , no computer required ,all kinds of really good third party open source ham/SDR related software is there if you want it though . More transmit power could easily be bolted onto it if needed.
You get the abillity to receive/transmit or scan from 1mhz-6ghz on the HackRF and 50khz to 2ghz on the Malachite , you have nearly the entire radio spectrum covered .
I found a diagram of the device planted in the US embassy in Moskow the 1940's , it couldnt be any simpler ,
of course it needed to be energised externally .
Be aware, theres many ways you could get yourself in trouble by misusing these devices , jamming GSM communications could be both dangerous and against the law , impinging on peoples privacy in an unwarranted way is likely to lead to nothing good .
You see the guys who invented this stuff , they hack their own device/phone or at least a willing audience member .