Well-known member
I recently got hold of a broken TAB W95c module, serial number 780. Once I got the unit working after replacing a number of dried up and exploded caps, my curiosity got the better of me and I started gathering all the information that the schematic doesn't have.
Schematic can be found on this wonderful website:
My intention is to design and build an EQ based on this design, under my brand Atomic Analog. With a lot of squeezing it will fit into a 500 series board, which is currently in progress on my Eagle CAD
The last two stages are interesting, in that at Part#5 (TK42c germanium) the collector load is shared between a 3K3 resistor and a choke. The final output stage which is a funky packaged TF80/30 germanium device, has a choke in the emitter path. The choke on Q4 measures 50H @ 100Hz on my Protek LCR meter with a DCr of 4300 ohms (yep!). From voltage readings the esimated DC current is 4mA. The choke on the final stage measures 3H @ 100Hz with 135Rdc.Estimated DC current is 9mA here (EDIT: PRR debunked this so need to measure current here properly. )I have recently become familiar with choke-fed tube stages through my building of an OP6-ish preamp, but this Q4 stage is puzzling me with the parallel resistor. Some learning is needed!
I have ran tests at many frequencies with a switch to change over to a 4K3 resistor instead of this choke and the only change I see is a 2dB decrease in headroom with no choke in-circuit (+16dBu down to +14dBu). Can any of you wise folks shed some light on this?
I am having issues sourcing such a high value choke (50H) that will be small enough, and to wind my own will be rather laborious. I do intend to wind the inductors in the "präsenz" circuit, but this one will be a PITA, and for only 2dB increase in headroom I would be tempted to junk it from the design...
Sourcing the transistors is a whole other issue. The output device is on ebay, but the others are nowhere to be found. My unit has various other types fitted such as ACY32, AC160a, maybe from past repair work?? I will remove each in turn and analyze accordingly... if anyone has links to data on these TK type transistors that would be awesome!
Schematic can be found on this wonderful website:
My intention is to design and build an EQ based on this design, under my brand Atomic Analog. With a lot of squeezing it will fit into a 500 series board, which is currently in progress on my Eagle CAD
The last two stages are interesting, in that at Part#5 (TK42c germanium) the collector load is shared between a 3K3 resistor and a choke. The final output stage which is a funky packaged TF80/30 germanium device, has a choke in the emitter path. The choke on Q4 measures 50H @ 100Hz on my Protek LCR meter with a DCr of 4300 ohms (yep!). From voltage readings the esimated DC current is 4mA. The choke on the final stage measures 3H @ 100Hz with 135Rdc.
I have ran tests at many frequencies with a switch to change over to a 4K3 resistor instead of this choke and the only change I see is a 2dB decrease in headroom with no choke in-circuit (+16dBu down to +14dBu). Can any of you wise folks shed some light on this?
I am having issues sourcing such a high value choke (50H) that will be small enough, and to wind my own will be rather laborious. I do intend to wind the inductors in the "präsenz" circuit, but this one will be a PITA, and for only 2dB increase in headroom I would be tempted to junk it from the design...
Sourcing the transistors is a whole other issue. The output device is on ebay, but the others are nowhere to be found. My unit has various other types fitted such as ACY32, AC160a, maybe from past repair work?? I will remove each in turn and analyze accordingly... if anyone has links to data on these TK type transistors that would be awesome!