Here is the schematic of the 'modernized' version I am using.
If you would like to use side chain filtering, this can be done at the point C8/P3.
(Even inserting a lower value capacitor would work here.)
I don't have problems with serious LF distortion, as long as I don't use extreme fast release times.
The standard release can give 'agressive' limiting (when using a fast release time), but sounds very pleasant at medium or longer release times. The 'composite' release acts more as a leveller, without audible pumping.
I have added an extra resistor in series with the input, because otherwise the circuit was too sensitive with +4dB signals.
I used a quad OpAmp for the circuit. (TL074)
Signal to noise ratio is 81 dB ('A' weigthed, re. +4dBv), good enough for me.
Maximum distortion is 0.4% THD @ 400 Hz (10 dB limiting)
For stereo, it is important to match the FETs. (I found two pairs from 20 pcs.)
I used a multiturn trimpot for the FET bias, because this setting is pretty sensitive.