Roland M-120 Line mixer schematic?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Austin, TX
I was wondering if anyone has the schematic for the Roland M-120 Line mixer.

I just picked one up, and it looks like it will work for me, but I was thinking of doing some upgrades.

If anyone has these it would be a real pleasure. Never heard a better smallbutfine line mixer than these babies :thumb: ... we got a M-120 and M-160 and are very pleased with them...would be fine to pump them up with a little bit of tweaking! But never opened them...without schematics we were a little bit frightened :roll:
yeah, they use SIP opamps, so I think I'll have to make an adapter board or something. It would be helpful to know the pinouts and general topology.
Brad, since i didn't open our babies since now....can you say anything about the type of SIP opamps ... :wink:

Right at the moment i plan to get another one of these (M-160 or M-480, just a matter of used price... :grin: )

They are great for mixing synths really! It was our best decision to keep our drumrack mixer for our synth studio :grin: ...we had to have more of this...they are REALLY quite and so small...a pleasure to use.
The SIP's looked like an inhouse number. I didn't recognize it and I forgot to write it down. Maybe next week I'll try to trace it out a bit.

I still could use a schematic if anyone's got one ...
Hey - did anybody ever track down a schematic for this thing?

I suspect you're not looking anymore, but if you are, here are the datasheets for the two types of opamp that are in this mixer.

On a separate note, I need to replace three of the 1/4" "phono" plugs on the one I have - they're made by "Jalco" and seem to be a bit of an "odd duck" - any ideas for suppliers? Can't find anything that matches by Digikey or Mouser, but maybe that's just me. The plugs are PCB mounted and quite narrow - 9mm - without any space for a larger plug as a drop in replacement.