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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
Midwood, Brooklyn, NYC
I'm in NYC.  I wasn't affected by the storm (didn't lose power or anything) but a few of my fellow folks on this forum are in the tri-state area.    y'all ok?


that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

Hope you guys are ok along with anyone else who was impacted from the hurricane.
my family and i are fine .we left long beach and tookourcarswith us.had some wind damage. downed fence, missing chimney cap, missing siding. the new floor i put in my garage was ruined and will need replacing(soon to be my studio. first floor needs new rugs but i think after drying the doors kitchen andbathroom baese cabinets will be ok. i only got an inch on the first floor and it receded with the tide. some stuff was probably ruined in the garage but i was only back in long beach to take a look last night and it was only by flashlight. going back today toclean up and check on friends and neighbors. feel very lucky i know many who lost homes and cars in breezy point  and rockawayand long beach.still no water plumbing or electric but i m going home tostay tommorrow  either way
i hope the other guys on the board made out as well as me. thgey all seem like great guys 
Dazed and thankful. Spent yesterday cutting trees all over. Our street had a tree across, but there was no place to go anyway!  Did not get phone til this morning. No juice till next week.
Cooking all Türingers and venison steaks this morning. Spezzatino still frozen. Won't need MRE's at all.
Hope all others fared all right. Not cool to get swamped on Long Beach!
Everything is cool at my place... no power which probably wont be on for atleast a week or more.  But no damage that i can see.  The neighborhood was destroyed though.  Trees down and poles down everywhere.  Glad to hear everyone else is ok.
hate all the misinformation from the medias though..
all pix we see, well almost all, are fake..

I know this was hard so prayers for all of yous.

Good luck.
3nity said:
hate all the misinformation from the medias though..
all pix we see, well almost all, are fake..

I know this was hard so prayers for all of yous.

Good luck.

Fake  you should come to NJ and take a look at the mess
Gus what i meant was some people on FB were showing fake pix..
I know and realize its a mess over there right now...

Take care.
3nity said:
hate all the misinformation from the medias though..
all pix we see, well almost all, are fake..

The picture of the three guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns that went around the Facebook wasn't a fake, but it was taken in September.

But I can assure you: the photos that my friends in Hoboken, Weehawken, Jersey City, downtown Manhattan and "Down The Shore" took of their homes, offices and neighborhoods are very much real.

I live in eastern PA, and there are a lot of people coming here from NJ for gas. It's unnerving seeing the mile long gas lines in NJ. We just got power back. Getting colder out now.
Gov Christie waived the requirement allowing NJ gas stations to buy gas from out of state sources. That has already begun. Today they suspended the Jones act (a union thing), so now more non-US flagged ships will be available to bring fuel into NY/NJ area from other US ports.

While everybody thinks that price gouging is immoral (and it is), allowing the price to rise in the short term to reflect the actual scarcity would eliminate or certainly reduce the miles long lines waiting to fill up. If the price of gas bumped up, only the people who really need to fill up would, and there would be more gas available for people who really need it and will gladly pay the scarcity premium.

Perhaps an emergency rule, where emergency scarcity pricing is put in effect, and the differential collected, goes directly to help offset storm losses and repairs, not covered by insurance.  There is a huge economic cost in time and disruption from all those people waiting in long lines for hours to buy as much gas as they can get, whether they need all of it, or not. (I don't expect this to ever be seriously considered by politicians).

I share the posters disdain for news reporters who feel compelled to stand out in the weather to make a statement. We know this storm is a historic event, with many killed and huge property losses.

Once again the government's actuarially unsound flood insurance program will need to be refunded (more government debt baby).

We still won't have juice for 7-10 days.  I had some biz in MA, and got generators for me and neighbors while I am here.  Problem is that there are still gas shortages on LI, and gas CAN shortages south and in a 200 mile radius north of where I am.  I am going to look for folks out mowing yards, construction sites, landscapers, etc. and try to get a couple of cans to fill  for me and my neighbors till gas is flowing again on LI.

Tried to siphon gas out of a 2002 Ford and 2005 Subaru but the 1/4" tube gets stuck close to the tank.  Must be tamper-proof?  I ruled-out 5 gallon water bottles because of static but am thinking large cooking oil bottles.
I thought of garbage bags, multi-layered in strong boxes, but not for long.

Any other out-of the-box fuel transportation thoughts?  I am going to check with a local firestation for ideas. 

And if any NY-LI members need stuff I am glad to bring it back.  I don't think I have any more room for generators.
I am lucky lost power for about 90 hours.  Ran the generator for a few hours a day to keep the refrigerator cold and to get on the web for news.  We used  hand crank LED flashlights most of the time and a battery radio for news when the generator was off. 

I would like to purchase a hand crank radio.  Anyone know a good brand?

Thinking about a NG powered generator with auto switch over
Not much damage to my house the wind took off an awning.  Happy I had the oak tree trimmed only lost some small twigs from that tree.  The town planted maple lost some branches. 

The town is still a mess.  Saw what I think were transformers and power line flashes in the distance during the storm from a window.
Interesting the number of generators in town, after Irene, Floyd other storms it seems most people realize the town will lose power.
Traffic lights are coming back on it was not fun trying cross the streets when taking a walk.
Even/odd gas reminds me of the 70's.
getting gas is a problem.

Question is there a way to add a muffler to a generator to reduce the sound without effecting the tuning of the carburetor?  I am thinking something like slipping a low restriction muffler on the existing muffler output.  I wish I bought a low noise generator most/all in my neighbor hood are very noisy.  The cooling fan is also noisy this will be harder to address.
We lost our fence. Really no big deal.

I got trapped in San Fran after AES. It sounds like heaven being stuck in San Fran with your wife while your kids are safe in NJ with Grandma, but we were both hit with the flu of all flu's.  We literally didn't  leave the hotel.

The stress of being away after my studio flooded during Irene was terrible.

We were lucky this time. Many were not. The photos are all too real.
Gus said:
I am lucky lost power for about 90 hours.  Ran the generator for a few hours a day to keep the refrigerator cold and to get on the web for news.  We used  hand crank LED flashlights most of the time and a battery radio for news when the generator was off. 

I would like to purchase a hand crank radio.  Anyone know a good brand?

Thinking about a NG powered generator with auto switch over
Not much damage to my house the wind took off an awning.  Happy I had the oak tree trimmed only lost some small twigs from that tree.  The town planted maple lost some branches. 

The town is still a mess.  Saw what I think were transformers and power line flashes in the distance during the storm from a window.
Interesting the number of generators in town, after Irene, Floyd other storms it seems most people realize the town will lose power.
Traffic lights are coming back on it was not fun trying cross the streets when taking a walk.
Even/odd gas reminds me of the 70's.
getting gas is a problem.

Question is there a way to add a muffler to a generator to reduce the sound without effecting the tuning of the carburetor?  I am thinking something like slipping a low restriction muffler on the existing muffler output.  I wish I bought a low noise generator most/all in my neighbor hood are very noisy.  The cooling fan is also noisy this will be harder to address.
ASSuming the generator uses a 4 stroke motor, adding a muffler should not significantly change the intake flow and carb tuning.

New York & New Jersey-plated cars have been coming into Connecticut looking for gas, and the lines are starting to get long here now also. I've seen people filling empty five-gallon taping compound and paint buckets, using plastic bags and bungee cords as covers. Water bottles too.
Some places are still without power and, by the looks of the damage still needing repair, won't get back on for at least several more days. Mine came back on here late last night. There are line repair crews here from Quebec and Denver to augment the locals, but nobody can do any line work until all the fallen trees are cleaned up. Lots and lots of downed/snapped poles. Many people I know have had trees fall onto and crush their houses. Still not anywhere near as bad as NY & NJ. It's kind of scary to see how fast things can fall into anarchy.
The generator has a muffler already.

It could be larger. Dig in and find out where you could connect, preferably to the outlet of the existing muffler; but if that's just a lot of holes, then rip back to the engine.

A good muffler should be at *least* 7 times the cubic inches of one cylinder. Cheap stuff tries to get by with less. Any car muffler will be ample for any portable generator. The auto-parts store has a listing of universal mufflers sorted by pipe size and length/depth. The pipe size will need to be adapted anyway, so just get a muffler then sort-out the adaptation.

Air-cooled engines usually make as much (tho different) racket from the fan as the exhaust.

There's a good racket from the intake also.

Some parts of Jersey need to decide if they want historic trees or electricity. The area I used to live is ALL out and could be dark 10-20 days total. Combo of some lazy stringing by the former Rural Electric Co, no structural upgrades by the present absentee operator, and tree-hugging limiting the amount of pruning they could do if they actually pruned.

I hear the tree in front of my old house fell, blocked the road and two driveways, probably damage to the power lines. We asked the county *several* times to take it out before it fell, it's been rotten for over a decade. Decadently lush in its decline, but we knew it would be a problem. It did.
I was stuck at AES. I was supposed to come back Tuesday night. Got back Friday night. I stopped by the studio yesterday and all looked well. I just finished doing a complete calibration and check out. All is still well. The Neumann SP75 doesn't keep calibration particularly well and needs calibration at a few internal spots. I made up cables to facilitate this so it only takes a half hour at a slow pace. The VG66 lathe amplifier stayed right on. That was the one I was most worried about. It can take a while to get up if multiple things have blown up.