I finally did go to sleep, leaving this as is, because it was 3AM and I wake up at 7AM
More information on my case :
- On the PSU board, I had to move the trim pots to obtain 15V, originally was more like 12V (even pre trimmed at 1K33).
- Other than that, all -+12/15 are correct / stable
- Power Led lights up
- SIFAM Meter lights up, and needle seems to give some response to some events (turning on / off), but won't move when audio passing, even with some compression settings. As it's not calibrated, I assume it's no big deal.
- Bargraph meter never lights up (not calibrated either).
- The two channels pass audio.
- Control board pots seem to have some impact on sound as I can ear different levels of compression when playing with them. Haven't tested them all extensively or unit by unit though.
- In / Ext In switches might be reversed in my case ? Have to go to Ext In position to see "SSL Mode" voltages at TP10.
- Step 2 seems OK except I still got some distortion. Is this normal ? Also I assumed I have to be with threshold all the way to the right (+20), and gain all the way to the left (+0).
- On step 3, with a 1kHz tone going in (average level, not too hot) I got 1.46 on TP8 and 1.45 on TP10. I was able to obtain correct value on TP11, but on TP12 I can only go up to 1.21 with the trim pot to the max.
That's where I'm stuck. I didn't manage to find incorrect values on resistors for now but I'll keep looking, and tonight I'll try to follow the path to see if I see something, but as audio passes I don't know if I'll see something special ?
Here is an Hi-Res (More Hi-Size than Hi-Res ...) picture (in the link, don't want to slow down the forum too much) of the main board (nothing is connected on the pic but everything was wired good).
For those interested I'll update my blog right now with the last steps of the build (and troubleshooting
EDIT : I've verified my Ext In Switch and for me it's correctly wired (See in attachment). I got black on center pin, and to Common, and Red on the bottom pin to N/O on the board. But I see voltages on TP11 / TP12 only when the switch is in bottom position (so normally connected to the center and top pin which is empty ... no ??)
Also it seems like I got my ribbon cable wired backward ? Yep , it definately is backward. Will have to fix this first and restart calibration...