sifam meter source

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Jan 23, 2005
in case anyone is having trouble sourcing sifam vu meters, which seem to be increasingly hard to find...

check here:[/url]


never mind...i jumped the gun. they're only a business to business supplier, and none of their related companies (at least here in the north american region) seem to have it.


meterdistributor is the place to get them in the States. There is ausually a long wait if they don't have them in stock, but that's how long it takes them to get them from Sifam.

yeah...i've sent meterdistributor and email. but i haven't heard back yet. i'm also trying here: they only do web orders for the E...n as i hear back from all parties. tapebaker

sorry about the previous post...if you take that off the end, the link will work. tapebaker
If you are in the states, call meter distributors. They have an 800 number. I don't think the guy does much emails-he's like in his 80's. Other's here have had bad luck with the email thing and him also.

thanks...i am in the fact, i work in burbank, ca about 3.5 miles from where he's located. maybe i'll just drop by.

Canford will take your order over the phone (gyraf does it all the time) and will sell to individuals - but don't tell them that you are an individual just say that you work for "example" audio company - they are never going to check..
Also with RS and the US version of RS... just make up a company name and pay up front - then you don't have apply for a credit account..
While you are ordering - you can also ask for some free catalogues...

Works for me - ALL the time...
an update on sifams...

from canford:

Many thanks for your mail and the interest you have shown to Canford. We currently have no stock of 58-382. However, stock is due in about 1 week. 58-385 is in stock.
The UPS Express shipping cost CPT Los Angeles 91505 would be £29.84 GBP.

If you would like to proceed, please advise your full address and land line phone number. We will then be able to send you a formal quotation/ proforma invoice. Payment can be made by credit card.

Please advise how we can help you further.
Kindest regards
Canford International Sales

from meterdistributor:

Hello Adam,
Yes we do have the AL29's in stock we also have the light box's.
AL29" are $51.95 each and the light box are $11.95 each.

looks like i'll be going to meterdistributor, since they're just a few miles away from where i sit right now.

thanks for all the replies...
