I've recently got hold of a bunch of 1mA Sifam "Monitor" Type 28 meters (http://www.sifam.com/monitor.lasso). Looking at the Sifam site, it looks like they're all VU meters (http://www.sifam.com/vuppm.lasso) although none of them actually have a VU scale (some blank, some with a mA scale). Am looking for a steer for the suitability for some DIY projects. Have done a search and can't find any reference to anyone else using them.
Are they ok? Was looking to build a couple 1176's so wonder if they'd be ok. Can I get a new VU scale for them?
Any thoughts/ideas gratefully received.
I've recently got hold of a bunch of 1mA Sifam "Monitor" Type 28 meters (http://www.sifam.com/monitor.lasso). Looking at the Sifam site, it looks like they're all VU meters (http://www.sifam.com/vuppm.lasso) although none of them actually have a VU scale (some blank, some with a mA scale). Am looking for a steer for the suitability for some DIY projects. Have done a search and can't find any reference to anyone else using them.
Are they ok? Was looking to build a couple 1176's so wonder if they'd be ok. Can I get a new VU scale for them?
Any thoughts/ideas gratefully received.