ok, further update.
Yes I am dumb for not having thought this was important, but I actually have a 220K resistor in series after the Master Volume pot right before the input into the PI. I had left it there after messing with two different channels a while back (Resistive Mixer). At any rate, I removed the 220K resistor and the problem mostly went away. So I hooked up a 1M pot as a variable resistor to see what was going on (in series after the Master Volume pot) and low and behold, as I increase the resistance between the Master Volume output and the 22n cap going into the PI the signal bleed gets worse until it is actually quite loud.
Any ideas as to why this might be happening? When I ground the input of the PI before the 22n cap the problem mostly goes away and when I remove the series resistor the problem mostly goes away.
Oh, yeah, and when I completely unplug the input going into the PI and leave the 22n input cap unconnected to the Master Volume cap, the exact same signal bleeding problem happens again.