So I wired up this circuit and while I was able to make it work without any load, but the output voltage drops to 1V when connected to the audio circuit. The thing I am trying to power draws about 450mA so maybe the BD140 needs to be swapped out with something that can handle more current.View attachment 102704
My suggestion. No input capacitor shown. A large value input capacitor should not be needed with SMPS.
This circuit drops out less DC (~0.5V), has lower output impedance and around 6dB more noise suppression than the same circuit as the Darlington configuration.
So I wired up this circuit and while I was able to make it work without any load, but the output voltage drops to 1V when connected to the audio circuit.
The thing I am trying to power draws about 450mA so maybe the BD140 needs to be swapped out with something that can handle more current.
???Ahh, TPA6120 with no power limit.
View attachment 103150
So did people have to sign a waiver to purchase this device?
No, I mean people are going to destroy their eardrums. I don't see much between the +-9V to the phones. With a 32 ohm load that's multiple watts of power. At least add some series resistance and give people a chance to rip the headphones off of their head.???
You are referring to the shorted out 10 Ohm resistor?
I'll look at it again. Just to clarify, the 40 Ohm resistor that is between V+ and V-, is that the to simulate circuit load or is that actually being used before the audio circuit. I saw that and it seemed strange to me that a resistor value that low would be strapped across the two voltages.I suspect you mixed up transistor leadouts somewhere.
I routinely use this circuit (with extremely similar SMT Parts) in commercial equipment. Like so:
View attachment 103132
FWIW that is a 2012 design for a Headphone Amplifier which was sold across a number a minor revisions and reached >> 10kU.
I doubt it. Check that you got transistor pinning right.
Just to clarify, the 40 Ohm resistor that is between V+ and V-, is that the to simulate circuit load
No, I mean people are going to destroy their eardrums. I don't see much between the +-9V to the phones. With a 32 ohm load that's multiple watts of power.
At least add some series resistance
That's what I thought. Just wanted clarify that I understood what that resistor was doing in the schematic.Of course. 24V / 40 Ohm = 0.6A
Well, it seems that the regulators I am using to adjust the voltages are what is causing the noise. The previous pic was CM then IC regulators then circuit. This is that it looks like with regulators THEN CM then audio circuit.
TINA, ugh, did not like it. LTspice is intuitive, fast, you can learn it in a few minutes. Massive size user-group.Hi Thor,
fine concept, clear and straightforward Another member using TINA, I like it.
My suggestion. No input capacitor shown.
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