Soliloqueen's k87(k67) and k47 capsules

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I'm in the US, what's the ETA on this side?
I'm going to try to rush through as many orders as I can before I leave unexpectedly for namm on Sunday. I have literally so much to do. My whole trip is being paid for so I'm not complaining but it definitely squeezed things
I'm going to try to rush through as many orders as I can before I leave unexpectedly for namm on Sunday. I have literally so much to do. My whole trip is being paid for so I'm not complaining but it definitely squeezed things
I and the others waiting patiently will most strongly appreciate this. Thank you.
I and the others waiting patiently will most strongly appreciate this. Thank you.
made my way through about 40 capsules (including yours) today before running out of polybags due to my own overworked shortsightedness. by the way, to everyone asking, k87s are in stock (i have like, 75 of them) they're just marked on backorder because they're not sorted A and b stock yet and will be delayed until after i get back from namm.
made my way through about 40 capsules (including yours) today before running out of polybags due to my own overworked shortsightedness. by the way, to everyone asking, k87s are in stock (i have like, 75 of them) they're just marked on backorder because they're not sorted A and b stock yet and will be delayed until after i get back from namm.
will you have a booth or visiting ?

It seems that you sell good quality K87 capsules. I'm new but I'd like to build my own modified pickup because K87s are very expensive, so I'd like to know your prices. I'd also like to buy one to modify my AKG P220 for very little money.

Thanks for your understanding.
Also, if I don't tell you someone else will, but the P220 has (for what it is) an exceptional capsule and assuming you're after more of a U87ai sound you'd be better off doing this mod, it's cheap, easy, and the result is great.
I'd also like to buy one . . . for very little money.

Well, shoot. Everybody does! :) [Certainement. Nous le faisons tous.] :)

But, seriously, folks, what constitutes "very little money" is quite subjective, depending on one's relative personal threshold for economic pain and the purpose for which it serves. As a retired guy, microphones are my hobby, so capsules that cost from $99 to $199 are relatively pricey. In contrast, a professional recordist using microphones as a career should consider them quite low cost tools of the trade. Running a business, I believed good tools cost good money , and it is worth having good tools.

Overall, I believe these capsules are already available for very little money, representing good value for the price, even for the hobbyist. Nevertheless, in good humor, I, too, would like to buy one for very little money! Shoot, Everybody does.

The best bit is, we have a rare insider's view and have been privy to the entire process of production, R&D, marketing, and distribution of these capsules. We even have cut-away images depicting their component parts. I mean, how cool is that? We know substantially more about these goods than most other goods in the marketplace ... well, almost, but surely you follow where I am drifting.

Bottom line - while I would LOVE to acquire one at a substantial discount, I figure these capsules are already available for "very little money." / James /
Thanks for your response ! Right now, I’m using a P100, but I’m also considering the 979 Audio with its K87-style diaphragm. Do you think either of these options could get me closer to the U87ai sound, or are they too different? I’m particularly curious about how much the diaphragm design in the 797 Audio contributes to its tone compared to the P220 you mentioned

This discussion does not belong in this thread, which is supposed to be about Arienne Audio capsules. Please take it over to the thread SubSpec linked to.
Hi Ari,

would you be so nice to explain the numbers/notes on your boxes?

Keep up the great spirit, thanks for everything!


If they're isolated backplates, could they be capacitances between adjacent parts? (front diaphragm to front backplate, between the two backplates, and rear backplate to rear diaphragm?)

50-something pF is pretty normal, and 200-ish pF between backplates, since they don't (need to) move relative to each other...
If they're isolated backplates, could they be capacitances between adjacent parts? (front diaphragm to front backplate, between the two backplates, and rear backplate to rear diaphragm?)

50-something pF is pretty normal, and 200-ish pF between backplates, since they don't (need to) move relative to each other...
Makes sense, thank you.

As those two capsules have been sold as a matched pair, the "206 M" and "207" might rather be consecutive serial numbers, though :unsure:
re: the k87s. I'm getting really sick of this big backplate factory. They cut tolerances for a recent production batch hoping I wouldn't notice. A client caught this issue. They test normal at typical testing differences (0dB line delta from newer k87, my model supposed to be up ~1B at 4k):
View attachment 140997
but the upper mids start to drop in proximity <8 inches up to about -1.5dB in the very near:
View attachment 140998
Starts to sound more like a c800 capsule and less like a u87 capsule up super close. I have a nagging feeling that they are familiar with how to cut corners without clients noticing under normal testing. The way they chose to cut corners specifically wasn't present in the samples or first few units and wouldn't show up under typical QA testing. I'm starting to see why 3U stopped doing business with this factory. I'm probably going to have to go the same route. In the meantime, I'm going to have them re-do the plates before we resume production. I don't think any of these plates made it thru to retail customers (different box of plates we just cracked open) but let me know. There are currently 35 k87s unshipped. I'm going to put the capsules with this defect up on my site as b-stock. They still sound OK, just not perfect. Probably would be good for a C800g clone build. K47 orders are unaffected.
Hey @soliloqueen , hope you're getting some rest after NAMM! I just saw this post from December 6 and was wondering if you still have one of these B-stock capsules available. I'm interested in picking one up for my REFC clone build. Let me know when you get a chance—no rush!
still getting my bearings and checking my open orders. thought i'd plop in a picture comparison of the in house (left) vs mass production plates. These were validation samples for pin gauge testing, so they're scratched up and covered in dust. That's what the misshapen looking bits are, dust sticking to the edges of the holes, not machining issues.

having fine control over the machining now I get to be a stickler about things like the mounting hole placement. kind of messy on the mass productivity plate. not so on the in-house one. also noticing that the in house one (on the right now) is slightly heavier and, i think, slightly more red? maybe i'm crazy. I see it in the picture too. I think the big factory was cheaping out on the brass compared to ours (verified c360 as i literally bought the rod)

when we get swinging we're also willing to do oem backplates by the way. i have no qualms about selling metal to competitors, if you're looking to outsource to someone trustworthy with a supply chain totally unconnected with the existing chinese mic market pipeline. that's why we went off the grid too after all
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starting shipping now. i was sick for a few days. I'm also beginning small volume production of some test m7s, 10 or 15 or so. I might send out a loaner to get some opinions on how to tune it.
“NAMMthrax” strikes again! Glad to hear you’re feeling better (and excited that my cardioid-only K47 will be on its way soon)!
“NAMMthrax” strikes again! Glad to hear you’re feeling better (and excited that my cardioid-only K47 will be on its way soon)!
it has certainly been an interesting year, creating a supply chain that's wholly separate from every existing supply chain and vertically integrating control over everything on so little money. i don't think anyone else has ever done what we've done. i'm proud of it and excited to get the next gen capsules out, starting with the retail spec m7s

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