Great to know you are gaining even more control over the end resultAbout 40 days. Sorry, the backplate Factory not being able to provide good metal was a huge surprise. We had to eat a pretty considerable loss between receiving that news mid-order on an oem production and the resulting production hold. We managed to right ourselves without anyone's anyone's order money, which is a relief. We are in production production on the new plates. We're doing an initial batch of 100 47v plates and 200 87 plates very carefully. We did several preproduction batches and the results were kind of nuts. and those weren't even final spec. I'm really excited.
the letter R/W after the capacitance denotes the wire color of the best sideI just got my flat 47, and I am gonna mount it today.
Is there such a thing as Best Side Selection on the Cardioid/Omni capsules?
If so, which side is the 'best'?
This is what I seethe letter R/W after the capacitance denotes the wire color of the best side
dude where's the sticker? the box came blank? i JUST shipped this. how the hell? the stickers are attached at assembly. i would have needed to somehow accidentally swap the box tops with another blank box top while serializing the capsules, which has never happened before. that's wild. I'm going to see if I can find the correct box top here.This is what I see
Dangit, I need to flip mine! Kidding, I'm assuming there's little practical difference that would gain me a much of anything worth flipping it.the letter R/W after the capacitance denotes the wire color of the best side
i think it was white for this one, but you might want to try bothThis is what I see
lmaowait! The cardioid had no sticker?
Ok, it's my fault, I switched the box top.
I see now that it's white