Hi Frank and everybody!
My INA 217 mod was on a bit of stripboard by the input section. Nothing worth copying or developing as such, although I imagine it can be done if someone really wants to. I'm planning to mod all my input channels to only take a balanced line input, as I'm planning to use only external pre's from now on. On the 800b that can be done fairly easily using the opamps that are already there. Ultimately, only the XLR input allows for a balanced input to the desk channels, which is why I dedided to take this route.
My INA 217 channel also contains DC servo circuitry and no de-coupling caps in the signal path. I replaced all the TLO72's with OPA 2604's also. I haven't really put in much time with this mod yet, as I have already decided that I'm not going to have mic-pres on my channels, but the 800b channels certainly leave room for improvement on the low end of the mic pre. My first listening test on the modded INA 217 channel was with cymbals...and I didn't notice a difference in the top, but rather in the bottom end/low mid! Further tests have yet to be conducted (if ever) but certainly the mic pre on the 800b could do with a more solid bottom end.
And yes, grounding is another issue on these old beasts. Will have to do the grounding mod at some point. As far as the PSU goes, I have the soundcraft 'big desk' supply for a 32 channel 800b, which means I have more current than I'm meant to have anyway. Should take a look at it really, but it works and therefore hasn't attracted enough attention yet.