spirit studio mods

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2004
hi- i remmber stumbaling across a post here about a year ago ( possibly by buttachunk?) in the black market detailing mods to a spirit studio? can't seem to find it in the search function?any other mods people have had good results with?



You're not imagining it, Buttachunk did have a heavily modded S/craft Studio for sale, probably about 6 months ago, maybe longer, but like you, I haven't been able to find the listing so I presume it was deleted :? .

I did go to the trouble of scanning and emailing the schematics for the input/channel pcbs to someone about 3 months ago and to date haven't even had a bloody "thank you" in reply....actually, too late, I found out that both he and his cousin malkjos aren't real popular around here.

So much for helping people :?


Thanks for chiming in here. The "schems", actually, a copy of the whole service manual should be able to be purchased from any S/craft agent......that's how I got mine :wink: .

For those of us who own these consoles, in your opinion, what would be the minimum mod that may see some improvement. Actually, any detailed info on the mods, etc., would be appreciated.

I'm an old "join the dots" kinda DIY'er that has a scant understanding of the mysteries of the darker 'lectronic arts. I'm currently being challenged by the LH Master channel on my S/craft regularly "disappearing", an Alesis monitor amp with an intermittent fault (suspected dry solder joint) and a gremlin hiding somewhere in Chnl 16 of my 1" R2R.........as if I haven't got enough grey hairs already :grin: .


Many thanks for the advice. Did you change all TL072s on the input pcb's?

Initially, as I get time, I'll probably try this on just a few channels and evaluate the results, although, I doubt that I'd need to mod too many channels for my purposes.

I record to either a Fostex "D" series 16 trk h/disk recorder or to my Tascam ATR-60 1" 16 trk and mix back through the console so I have channels 1 -> 16 XLRs, Ins, Outs and Inserts permanently connected. Because the Fostex is -10 and the Tascam +4, I followed the factory suggested mod BUT rather than removing the necessary resistors I added a switch to each channel allowing me to quickly adapt for either recorder.

Re the LH Master.........I had started to consider the possibility of it being a "dodgy" connection somewhere as I have twice changed any suspect IC's and the problem has ultimately returned, my thinking now being that maybe, as I pulled the pcb, I was disturbing said connection. Oddly enough, I did replace the Master fader so that is definitely worth me checking out.

Although recording has taken a back seat around here it would be nice to resolve the problems currently in the system. Most of the last 18 months has been spent learning and refining drum making processes, as far as I know, I'm only the third person here in Aust., to be making ply shells.........funny thing is with over 40 years guitaring behind me, I can't play drums to save myself :grin:

Anyways, again many thanks and there's sure to be more questions.

cheers guys. i'll post any results. have to replace those awful multicoulored knobs at the same time......

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