Thnx all.
I did some photos now, both from scope and recorded waveform.
Sorry for java applet before.
I recorded 100Hz square to second comp, and then measured the same signal at the end of same cable.
Here are scope pics at the end of cable.
Measuring without cable, directly on card output, gives no visible difference with scope, so cable does nothing visible to signal. Cable was some 3 meters long.
Recording to another comp, there was some modulation to signal, with period of approx 2.3 seconds. Here is some 13 seconds of recording.
Thats probably due to card aliasing, or maybe even screen display aliasing of Cool Pro software which I used. This software uses spline interpolation to display curve between sample points, so modulation may be due to this approximation. Or it may be actually at output of soundcard. Card output peak meter is steady, while second comp card input peak is showing level modulation. But modulation is not visible on scope. Maybe because it is just 1.5 dB, and is too small to be noticed. Playing back recorded waveform again clearly shows that 1.5dB modulation. But that is only with square signal, with sinusoidal signal of same freq there is no modulation.
I made photo at both levels, just for comparison. At lower modulated level, zoom looks like this:
And at modulation top, it looks like this:
Spline interpolated curves may be usefull anyway since splines are probably closer to reality than linear connections between sample points. Actual sample points are those green dots.
Would you say that my scope reads close enough to recorded signal?
If my cards outputs are underdamped, can something be done with extenal damping, like cabling or some circuitry? I will not dig into unit itself, it is all tiny SMD, I better not even think about playing arround there. :?
And possibly philosophical question: Would this ringing be heard at all? My ears are dead at 20kHz, and I doubt I could hear anything up there... :? But would anybody hear such ringing? Does it matter at all?
Also, can such ringing be caused by noisy ground, filled with pulses from several computer switching power supplies? I have seven computers in my studio, and scoping their grounds against mains ground it is all just spikes of all frequencies, up to MHz. Basically nasty pulse white noise.