SSL 8000 fader repair

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2004
A friend of mine has some problems with the motorized faders in their SSL console. It seems like there is something wrong with the control card for the motor fader. The fader and motor works but when the card and fader is installed in the console it doesn't.

Does anyone here know who repairs these (cheaper than the SSLfactory)?Preferably in Scandinavia.

Thank you for your help!

These are tricky. The best guy is Brandon McHale at PAD. He built a jig for ultimation. He's in the USA though, so more likely SSL is a better bet for you if you can't fix it yourself.

These are tricky ... if you can't fix it yourself.

I guess it's best for me not to try. They have about 28 bad faders and they want it fixed quickly and as cheap as possible.

Ohhh... dude!

What you have there is classic Ultimation problems, sounde like things have been allowed to get way out of hand! -Doesn't the studio have a tech? -It sounde like they don't, and that's a big red *** in my book...

Anyhow, that's why Brandon built the jig. You can fix them if you have a clue what you're doing, but you need a console to power them up, host them etc. The problem in studios used to be downtime, though most studios nowadyas are hard up for clients. If the studio has lots of empty time, you can try yourself, but I never worked on Ultimation repairs, the only SSL automation repairs I work on are regular VCA automation on the G and E series, and the J/K series later, improved, more reliable ultimation-type system. (though they stopped calling it ultimation).

Ultimation has to be calibrated regularly to maintain decent tracking between the VCA and the linear fader path. Depending on the type of failures (you didn't mention if they're all dead in the same way, or lots of different faults) you may be able to do them yourself. The moving faders are basically servo-driven, position sensing, but with the audio signal path as well. There's a lot that can go wrong, and I know Brandon started to specialise in the darned things, which is why he started selling the jig.
