Hi everyone,
So I have had the Drip stereo Sta Level back for some time. It sounds wonderful. Unfortunately it still has that hairy quality if I try and compress more than 10dBs in most cases. If I set the attack and release REALLY slowly I can go deeper, but then it’s not really doing gobs or compression considering that it stays in the 18dBs of compression range the whole time. And I definitely can’t go past that range.
Once again, I have used other Sta Levels that allowed me to compress 30-40dBs. This one can’t. If I turn the input up to get that kind of compression the signal gets hairy.
I have both an input and output pad but they don’t help.
I suspect that it is an issue with the threshold. I have a variable threshold but it feels like if I could lower the threshold further than the pot allows me to I could compress more without it getting hairy.