Stancor Iron color guide for wires?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Austin, TX
Hey CJ or anyone,
I've got a Stancor PM-8410 here and trying to find out what goes where. Someone has a piece of tape written on it that it's got:
1 sec: 640v CT
2 sec: 5 V
sec 3: 6.3 V

This looks like it'll work good for my guitar amp. Do you know the wiring color codes?

Not sure, What colors are there?

Usaully black is 120 pri, red-red/yel-red centertapped sec-green 6.3-yellow 5 .
You can ohm it, sec will have highest resistance, 5 volt winding the lowest, 6.3 probably next, and 120 somewhere in-between.

You can guess at the 120 pri-put it on a variac and bring it up to 10 volts or so.

If no variac, hook it to a known 6.3 vac heater supply and start playing detective.

Primary side has
1 solid black
1 a lot of black and a little yellow
1 yellow/black stripe

Secondary side:

2 green
2 yellow
2 pink
one striped yellow/red

We have a variac at work, but I was hoping to get lucky...

OK, looks like what I posted, but ohm out to make sure. Twist together pairs that are tied to each other.

Pink is gotta be sec. with striped being center tapped.

Extra pri is either a 108/120 type tap, or a 120/240 tap.

Measure the resistance of the black wires and use the largest resistance pair as you pri to start out. If it is accidently a 240 winding, nothing will fry, you will just have lower sec voltages due to turns ratio.

Use a fuse on pri, alligator clips on the volt meter, and go for it!

The worst that could happen is that you'll get "cuted" and cause a city wide power outage, nothing that hasn't already been done before by Emron! :razz:

Screw the variac.

Measure sec voltage from center tap to pink, otherwise you might fry the meter.
(if you measure from sec to sec, your poor meter will see 640 vac-plus night time line voltage increases.) Been there, done that. :oops:

If your paranoid, build a 1 meg-100 k series resistance string, hook the sec across both ends, and measure across the 100 k resistor. Use 1/2 watt or better resistors.