I have a fully recapped/serviced B67 (15ips). Everything is great on it but one thing I am noticing is that when I'm calibrating, I can hear popping sounds under the tone. It's more prominent at lower frequencies (can't really hear it at 10k, definitely there at 1k and lower). It happens with different tapes. I'm currently using agfa 468 but it's there with new ATR and 499. Over-bias with agfa is 3.5dB and alignment is 355nWb/m. Heads are in very good condition and everything lines up flat. Mixes sound great off it, but when tracking vocals through it I can hear the pops sometimes. I know for a fact it didn't always do this and I suspect it's something to do with the bias but I have no idea why. Oscillator frequency is at 150kHz and erase is great, I don't hear any previous recordings.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?