The original UREI Rev D and E schematics show 910 ohms for R12, but many examples actually use 1.8K, as do the UREI Rev F version and the UA 1176LN reissues. Basically, I think the 910 ohm value was a mistake that crept into certain D's and E's. (Some D's and E's do use 1.8K, which makes me think UREI had a service bulletin or upgrade procedure that addressed this.)
If you use 910 or 920 ohms instead of 1.8K, DC bias in the Q3 / Q14 section will be incorrect, and you'll lose about 8 dB of headroom in the input section. You'll also have less limiting. (Since Q3 / Q14 precede the sidechain circuit, having less gain before clipping at this point forces you to run the input pot lower, reducing the amount of limiting available.)
The error in the value of R12 is understandable, since 910 ohms is shown on the old schematics. But these units will work and sound much better with 1.8K. I can't imagine any benefit to using 910 but if you disagree, please speak up.
(I wasn't sure whether I should start a new thread or post on the main 1176LN Rev D DIY thread, but decided on a new thread because the topic seemed deserving of attention.)