@Emmathom and
@jp8 : What's the point of discussing a 'secret' project here if there is no intention to make further details public? (This could also have been exchanged via private email.)
It's not about a "secret project" ! (but why is this subject making so much noise???)
It's about, to go on with
@MicUlli measurements and tests, to try to build an SDC (and not an ORTF) with the S502MKII capsule and so a dedicated circuitry (from scratch).
We've done that part. 2 pairs are built and 100% functional. There's still some circuitry's adjustements regarding the Fr.
And then we have measurements & real situation audio tests to make so to be able to post them here in a way to share them with the members.
@jp8 measurement gear has broke down so he's waiting for some components to fix it...
About real situation audio tests I don't run a studio so opportunities come as they do. But I have a double-bass duo to record within the next 2 weeks and I will record with our "SDC project's mics pair" AND in // with a Schoeps CMT30 pair with M934C capsules so we'll be able to compare...
This is about a 100% original DIY circuitry and If we had posted the thing without any technical & audio tests everybody would have criticized our lack of information (and rigor...)
However :
- If
@jp8 which is "the father" of the circuit decides to sell his work then it will be done on dedicated groupdiy market area. (or thru private messages)
- If he does not want to, we would have shown at least how close a Schoeps SDC to a S502MKII capsule with a certain PCBA can be.
AND for that part (measurements & audio tests of our mic project) we will open a dedicated thread.