@Ilya and
@Winston OBoogie thanks for chiming in. Strongly appricated.
First of all thank you all very much for your thoughts and help. Thats such a great motivation to stick to the build until everything works. I experienced that motivation with the U23 clone and now again with the v76. Its priceless that you offer years and years of experience, knowledge and know how.
Then I have to apologize to keep your heads busy with a stupid mistake I made. When layouting the pcbs I accidentally used the EF86 footprint for the E83F.
This means what was supposed to be g1 was wired to g3 and the actual g1 was disconnected.
@beatnik asked for hum and after having the spectrum issues cleared I focused on hum. Hum level was higher on the right channel. About -65dB FS peak on the right channel and about -72dB FS peak on the left. The E83F were clearly sensible when I touched them with the finger. Because of this I checked the pinouts again. After rewiring the E83F there is no trace of distortion left.
I rewired the two pins and look what we have now @10dB overall gain (minimum gain) - no traces of hum and low noise. The PSU is in the unit.
(left channel green, right channel red - the dB FS values are actually real world data)
Edit: I just checked the maximum gain of the unit which is 79dB at the moment. If I dial in the full 79dB gain and ground the input I have an output level of -50.2dB FS (in my case -43dB(U)) This means the actual self noise of the device is -122dB(U) which is more or less exactly what the TAB manual states.
I ordered UTM input transformers and two of their 550H chokes today and will test them. Maybe we can realize a cost effective V76 project this way. This unit sounds simply great now. Again. Thanks for the support.
Spectrum with Sowter input and UTM output - none of the broadcast filters installed and cap between V1/V2 and V3/V4 @0.32uF: