Tape Op Magazine in Europe...

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I won't be the only person here that got the email last week that due to understandable reasons this nice mag can't any longer be distributed in paper form here in Europe ...

What do you all think ? I wouldn't mind covering more costs (the mag was free but UK/EU-subscribers paid shipping)

The iPad edition is near-free but that's not a real replacement imho for a paper magazine like Tape Op (and my life is fine so far, without tablets).

I'd sure like the possibility of a (paid) pdf-edition.

I've also suggested that to the Tape Op people. Anybody else ? Other ideas ?

Yeah, I got the same email. It seems the growing problem for the mag is that they can no longer charge their advertisers the necessary rates needed to cover the cost of printing and distribution if the magazine is to be free to the consumer.

Underlying this is, I suspect, the unfortunate truth that the advertisers themselves are  struggling to survive in what is a rapidly shrinking market for professional audio gear - the recent swathe of big recording studio closures in the last couple of years alone is, I think, enough to demonstrate this.

Sadly, the gist of the message from the Tape Op publishers themselves is, it seems evident that any attempt to prop up the costs of production from the consumer side would be no more than a temporary patch in order to delay the inevitable.


MagnetoSound said:
Sadly, the gist of the message from the Tape Op publishers themselves is, it seems evident that any attempt to prop up the costs of production from the consumer side would be no more than a temporary patch in order to delay the inevitable.

So true... I sure hope they can keep going in the US!

Just curious if more EU/UK-based readers would be interested in something like that (paid) pdf-subscription ? If more people...    Or any other ideas ?

I have an iPad and actually enjoy reading from it. so yeah, I would pay for something like that to support tapeop.
no chance of getting a board member to just mail a copy from the US to you i guess?  Is it possible to setup a UPS store mailbox to just forward mail that comes in?  Im sure there'd be a fee for it, but if youre willing to pay anyway...
sr1200 said:
no chance of getting a board member to just mail a copy from the US to you i guess?  Is it possible to setup a UPS store mailbox to just forward mail that comes in?  Im sure there'd be a fee for it, but if youre willing to pay anyway...

That's an idea as well. An 'individual' solution at that, somewhat nicer would be that TapeOp themselves makes some money form it as well, not the postoffice. But if the pdf-idea doesn't make it, then sure an alternative, thanks.
