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Put me on the list for 1x "white Edition + knob kit"  :)
Nice Stefan, you are welcome  8)  we get this running! I forgot to post a deadline. April 1. next week is a good day to have a ruff overview of interests who want a dual la2a panel. So people, please sent me a message or just post a reply here if you are interested. I will also update the first page...
- Don -
Round two,
New deadline -Friday- for the dual La2a panels. Who likes to order one of these panels too?
two or more people would be fine to get this running  :eek: :)


Quick question:  how does the LA2A front panel attach to the case? In the picture here: http://www.groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=44474.20
the panel has no mounting screws visible to hold it to the case.
I'm wondering if drilling a mounting hole will go through / wreck the logo on the upper left?
dmp said:
Quick question:  how does the LA2A front panel attach to the case? In the picture here: http://www.groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=44474.20
the panel has no mounting screws visible to hold it to the case.
I'm wondering if drilling a mounting hole will go through / wreck the logo on the upper left?

Hi dmp,
the perfect and tested case for this panel is the standard series robeshop one. But i also tested it with Metrius and it also worked fine. Most cases will work fine without touching the logo. The last batch of this Dual La2a panel was very tight with the logo and if you drill the screw hole to countersink the screw. It did not touch the logo but was 1mm tight ... This time i brought it to perfection and shifted the logo 2mm more down for getting the top line of the logo is in heigh of the VU border. Looks very neat.

here two pics of the old (more tight) version:


- Don -
This it is!
The final version. The past days i did some tests and additional mods. Added the second line on the logo. Neat!


Files fill be prepared for the silkscreener and i accept payments from now get a batch running this week. All people who like to buy one panel of this batch later, there will be 4 panels left over that can be ordered trough the shop for the reg price.

Any other wishes for the panel before production?

- Don -

Hi Don. I would like to order one of the dual LA2A panels in grey if still available. I sent you a message through your store too, Thanks  Mark

All panels are finished and shipped today. They should arrive within the following 5-8 days! Please give a feedback or better a pic of your project :) :) Thank you very much for your support. Don
Hey Don, cool store and great looking panels. Do you do custom panels? I'm building Ian's poshmans stereo eqp1a with dual mid bands. This will be a small fortune to have front panel express engrave one for me.
Hi Don,
Hoping you can help me here with an issue i've had with one of my G-Pultec PSUs. Basically I purchased the g-pultec toroid on order # DON258
All was working fine except until recently I had power issues with my unit not powering on or off. I checked all the cables and all looked ok until I noticed one of the primary wires was loose, it then pulled away from the toroid entirely so its as good as dead. It seems to have been a loose/bad wire, would you consider replacing that transformer for me? I just put another order for some other parts as well.. thanks again
@Frazzman, yes off course you get a new one... please let me follow up on this, i sent you an message.
@ Hey duantro, yeah please sent us the file for a quote and more infos :) Thank you

who said:
@Frazzman, yes off course you get a new one... please let me follow up on this, i sent you an message.
@ Hey duantro, yeah please sent us the file for a quote and more infos :) Thank you


Hi Don - thanks for the great customer service. I sent you a photo to your email address, not much to see other than that one of the primary wires has just come loose from the toroid for no real apparent reason.  let me know your thoughts once youve had a chance to review. thanks!
who said:
@Frazzman, yes off course you get a new one... please let me follow up on this, i sent you an message.
@ Hey duantro, yeah please sent us the file for a quote and more infos :) Thank you

That's Great! I'll lay out my panel for you to quote ASAP. Do You have a preference in file format?  Front Panel Designer or Photoshop?
Hey Don, I didn't see anywhere else to send this to you, so Here it is. Just change extension from .pdf to .fpd and pm sent.


  • My Poshmanseqpm1a.pdf
    3.3 KB
Hi Don! I just flicked you a mail but incase you read the forum first... unfortunately one of the g-pultec PSUs I got has no voltage on green secondary (9V), I can measure voltage on the HV secondaries and the lamp seconadries but not the green leads :(
I swapped to another PSU i'd orderded and it worked fine, hope you can help. Cheers
same for me i ve problem with the pultec trafo.
i've 249V ac and after the resistor 3K3 i've 305V dc.
with another trafo no soucis.
and there 's some variation for the 5V secondary.
i've change the resistor 3K3 with 18K and i've 255V lokks goood...but i've a little buzz...
firfe said:
same for me i ve problem with the pultec trafo.
i've 249V ac and after the resistor 3K3 i've 305V dc.
with another trafo no soucis.
and there 's some variation for the 5V secondary.
i've change the resistor 3K3 with 18K and i've 255V lokks goood...but i've a little buzz...

Hi Firfe - don't think your problem is the same. Yours sounds circuit related - just need to increase resistance to lower HV supply. One of my don audio toroids unfortunately has no voltage on the 9v secondaries,  the other is fine though

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