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  A preventive mindset that stops you from getting too stressed in the first place, however
slow deep breathing, pause if in the moment , drinking water, stepping back mentally looking at yourself in the situation
and assessing it from afar , or removed [ astral projecting anyone ? ] if you have the time, take a long walk  [ 30 mins ? ]
the amount of time it takes you to notice the sky is indicative of how much is rolling through your brain!
Greg’s suggestion to take a walk is a really good one.  I’ve found that nothing resets my mind and body from stress better than exercise.  You probably don’t have the luxury of time in the middle of a stressful situation to do any serious sweating but a good walk will definitely help. 

For exercise, I prefer running as it is free, requires almost no equipment and can be done anywhere and in most climates.  If the situation is stressful enough, running also allows you to remove yourself quickly  :D.  It is a great de-stresser after a hard day.
In a stressful situation your system goes Fight Or Flight and a couple of rounds in the park are the next best thing...or maybe 20 seconds of running as fast as you can, it works for me and I come home from work sometimes feeling nauseous from stress!
Nothing like exercise to reduce the adrenalin from your system.  ;D
+1 to rigorous physical exercise (work up a sweat). I used to joke that playing basketball at the gym helped me avoid attacking co-workers, who stressed me out.

Under high stress your body excretes cortisol(?) fight or flight hormone. If you don't consume it safely with physical activity (like fighting or running) it can accumulate and be corrosive to your general health.


PS: The holiday season is tough for any number of reasons, all the charity commercials can be depressing if you actually watch/listen to them. Christmas movies while cheesy and cliche ridden are a natural remedy, made better by turning them into a drinking game, downing a drink for every obvious cliche repeated. When they show charity commercials during a christmas movie they partially cancel each other out.
Id second all the previous advice for exerise , 

The other side of the equation you mention is the mountains of our own making , like you said learning to be able to say 'no' firmly .
If you try and please everybody all of the time you can end up feeling like piggy in the middle .

I dont know the exact nature of the situation you find yourself in , family or work related

An hour or two's walk/hike is a great way to get back to thinking clearly , it can also be a great oppertunity for a private chat to sort out stuff .  Neutral ground  and a few miles on foot ahead or behind means you can't just leave the room and close the door , or hop in the car and drive away or avoid the situation in another way , smart phones are best powered down so that the 'moment of the convo' can't be broke or interupted or otherwise tapped ,recorded and processed .

I remember one job I worked the boss announced he was to provide a mobile phone for every employee in the company ,
this was in the early 2000's . I didnt take him up on the offer , turned out later the MD had direct access and was able to spy on text messages on all the company phones , the two headed f'ing snake  :mad:
I heard of another PR department related to the EU where one day the boss arrived in with a box of smart phones ,all of a sudden the lives of the workers became drawn into a never ending bombardment on  a social media .Gov page , eventually  everyone in the department had a nervous break and went on sick leave , I think they had to shut the opperation down after that  :-[


This is the absolute best stress reliever I have ever found, just controlled breathing... you can do the whole thing several times a day, and you can do a short version of it in the moment and it only takes about 2 minutes.

This first vid is an explanation on how to do it, the second is a guided breathing session.
I'll add that I think exercise is a cure all for many things [ and it includes a different kind of breathing ]

instant stress relief ? count to 20 so you don't  " react  "  ?  excuse yourself ,  go outside and yell loudly
[ another different kind of breathing! ] or go  outside jog on the spot as fast as you can.
Force yourself to laugh [ and smile ] at how ridiculous that it is , certainly you must be on  a reality show ?
I punched a hole in my office door at Peavey, maybe twice... Funny nobody said a word to me about it, some repair guys just showed up and patched the hole.

I run a lot in the summer and it definitely helps my stress levels and mood. I would expect LA would be nicer for running or biking in the winter than Baltimore is.

I typically manage my stress with pure unadulterated apathy in the winter.
Seeker said:
This is the absolute best stress reliever I have ever found, just controlled breathing


That's pretty powerful stuff..
Only tried a few times the past couple of days but it definitely does something...
Pretty interested in making a habit of it...
Glad it is working for you!  I never would have believed breath and mindfulness could be so powerful so quickly until I tried it, and now it is something I do every day. 

scott2000 said:

That's pretty powerful stuff..
Only tried a few times the past couple of days but it definitely does something...
Pretty interested in making a habit of it...
Seeker said:
This is the absolute best stress reliever I have ever found, just controlled breathing...
Read about it in Reader's Digest when I was 14, practised it consciously for all my adolescence years, become second nature. Couple of years later, was introduced to self-analysis. You can be under pressure, a victim of life's turmoils, but you can't be stressed when your behavior is constantly under your own control.
I recall a controlled breathing technique for helping people fall asleep... I recall it being helpful.

These days I sleep like a baby (wake up every few hours to pee).  ;D
