Well-known member
druu said:Try this:
I want to build like like DBX 160 and made something like this...

druu said:Try this:
ForthMonkey said:I want to build like like DBX 160 and made something like this...
ungifted said:Did you check stereo version of the schema in this thread?
It's on the second page of the project docs
Does it make a difference using pin 15 or 16 for control voltage?
ungifted said:It depend on how we used OA2 - invert/non-invert.
PS: BTW it seems that's why I wasn't lucky with AR mod.))
ungifted said:leitmo
Please don't miss new schema version (1.5.2). Check values of R15 (30k), R16 (30k), R20 (25k), R19 (removed). This should align gain for OA1 and OA2.
Optional R27 and R19** for ratio pot skew (4:1 at the center) need to be tested.
I've tried TL072, DN115 and pico AR mods. No time for tests now. Hope someone will find some time...
L´Andratté said:Hi Leitmo!
From That! design notes I figure the stereo version would use just one sidechain path, with both channels joining
their respective rms detectors on pin 5, but only one rms detector having pin 4 conncted to the side chain.
The output of the latter than feeds both vcas.
Hope I´m not stating the obvious, have you done that and it didn´t work?
L´Andratté said:Yes, because it is the right point before pin 1, after that it´s dc... E.g. you could simply make c6 switchable for 1st order HP.
L´Andratté said:it´s all soft knee for me, a matter of taste and appliance I guess.
L´Andratté said:You mean D5 (not D2) certainly, both circuits are the same functionally, D5 is included or excluded from the feedback loop of U2D by SW2A. In the latter case the diode drop of D5 isn´t compensated, so an offset is added by D1/SW2B.
Really that easy ;D
L´Andratté said:No, softknee makes only a gentle *transition* from no compression to heavy compression (still high ratio is possible).
Did you include the offset from D1, if not it would raise threshold one diode drop...