The house is on fire.

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I mentioned previously about being on a sailboat with solar and wind power generation.  It made for answers in power needs for a small frig , lights phone chargers and such.  It could not run an HVAC unit without damage to system and compressor but was fine for mentioned items.  It’s the footprint of energy use that has to adapt which is a change in power use items.  In America, a 50 amp 220v stove with oven is just to big for an affordBLE Solar powered house.  (Maybe not I’m not an expert by any means) The batteries are replaced every 2 years on the sailboat.  So battery technology and maintenance  has some answers but changing your lifestyle is most important.  We used a propane stove to cook.  Is that an unacceptable answer or less carbon release? 

The problem is 7 billion people and counting impact the planet.  I would love to get off the grid,and generate power but battery banks are a large recurring investment for a house as compared to a sailboat or class b van off grid camping .  Somewhere there’s an answer with a change of lifestyle. 
PS I just got my property tax bill with a 120k change up in valuation.  I need to change my lifestyle.  This is not sustainable in retirement.
fazer said:
The batteries are replaced every 2 years on the sailboat. 
Fortunately, solar batteries have a significantly longer lifetime!

  Somewhere there’s an answer with a change of lifestyle. 
I guess we're not ready to live in sealed compartments and eat raw food.  :),
I don't see the possibility of a world that does not use fossil fuel unless we reactivate the nuclear paradigm - not very likely...
I think the answer is a combination of individual measures, like solar, wind and geothermal, and more global changes; we know that collective housing is more efficient than individual housing. The newcomers will probably have no other choice than living in megapoles.
The Global Assessment Report is the most comprehensive study of life on Earth ever undertaken. It serves as a health check for the planet and is compiled by the United Nations Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) from more than 1,500 academic papers and reports from indigenous groups:
The Global Assessment Report

Why is this not surprising.    Now a good plague on humanity for a homogeneous spices wiping out say 50 percent of the occupiers might adjust these figures without an asteroid’s help needed.  Just kidding.
If we stopped eating beef it would do five things:

Stop the need to keep on cutting down the Amazon in Brazil for pasture and millions of tonnes of carbon would start to go back into trees.

Then it would also stop the belching of methane from cow's stomachs to reduce the greenhouse effect.

It would also have health benefits by cutting heart disease and cancer rates from red meat.

It would help retain the vast number of species which live in the Amazon and other rain forests.

It would release land that was formally used for cattle feed for human food production

Win, Win, Win, Win, Win!

That is a simple but effective lifestyle change.

...this is similar:
The methane production by cows is dwarfed by the methane production by termites. They only eat cellulose (wood) and that produces an enormous amount of methane. Some areas in Africa house hundreds of termite hives per square kilometer. Not that I'd want to see them exterminated, of course, just to put things in perspective.

Just to say that it's a bit of a false argument, compared to fridge gases, or other industrial activity.

Of course, industrial farming is also a problem, but more from the water need than from methane production. Look at the Aral sea as a perfect example.

But farmers are slowly realising that large scale isn't really good for them. And that's mostly because their dependency on other industries (seeds, chemicals and banking) is the biggest risk.
DaveP said:
That is a simple but effective lifestyle change.
We didn't have these problems when the world's population was 3 billion.
So why deprive ourselves of beef? Beef is good.
We should get rid of all these people who have the gall to pretend they have a right to exist. We were here before!
What's wrong with this paradigm?
Yeah, Abbey. That's what I see a lot. Like people crossing the road, to dispose of their garden waste in the pasture of the neighbour ;-)

In fact, that's the main problem. Some people recognize something needs to be done, others just go on as if there isn't a problem.

The Chinese have tried to slow down population growth, creating a number of new problems, but it hasn't really slowed down anything. I hope raising the standard of living will slow it down, but that creates even more waste...
I know, I'm a broken record. But that's because we keep breaking records.

To the skeptics, I fully agree some of the GW science has lead to questionable conclusions, and not all of the data supports the rhetoric of ACG.  But...why aren't these blind spots serving to increase the concerns of the skeptic? 
What is your tipping point?

My problem with the whole idea of carbon tax is , why should we tax fuel and not for instance disposable modern consumer electronics , it all amounts to carbon usage at the end of the day . The ideas being bounced around for carbon taxation really only amount to a 'dont sh!t on your own doorstep' tax , in other words conditions in China where these things are produced dont count , as Abbey said as long as its someone elses kids pay the price .
DaveP said:
What language is he speaking? 

Or is it some local dialect?


I believe it is a bastardized version of english due to accent from location.  Far from the queens English across the pond.

I will translate it

"I was outside sitting in chair
Then I saw some fire
Then I opened the door
Then it said bloom
Then I said my house is on fire"
scott2000 said:
Mississippi judging from the channel info/videos/comments////

afaik pretty much anywhere in the South Eastern US depending on where you are and who you ask......
after 35 years living here I can speak "mississipian" but i don't watch videos...sorry  8)

Lithium  batteries take an exorbitant amount of energy to produce. But EV vehicle Energy used is looked at as the charging of the battery cost not adding the energy used to make the battery and vehicle.  I saw a recent article that said for 10 years of operation , the full energy and pollution is equivalent to that of a combustion engine when the co2 is added from the lithium battery production.  Is this true?

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