Listen to your comp ! ;D ;D ;D
I will Lolo, I will
It's my 5th DIY comp
I'll use the PM670 on a mix next week, so I'll post the results
Eddie ;D
Listen to your comp ! ;D ;D ;D
It's maybe here :mikeyB said:It's getting late and I can't find what I thought I had seen - maybe another thread -but didn't someone mention using a hybrid poweramp chip to replace the valve sidechain? Will this affect the sound drastically?
nite nite - need sleep!!
It will be nice if you can post some sound samples, 6N5P against 6BC8lewilson said:Hello all,
I have found the Russian 6n5p tube to be a nice sub for the 6bc8 tube, Much smoother fuller compresion and overall a better quality tube than the american tubes. Its the same pinout as the 6bc8 but uses more filiment current.
Is it a direct substitute ? I mean did you just plug them with the same settings or did you change the 2 bias settings ? I bought some to have different compression flavours on my 2 PM670...lewilson said:Hello all,
I have found the Russian 6n5p tube to be a nice sub for the 6bc8 tube, Much smoother fuller compresion and overall a better quality tube than the american tubes. Its the same pinout as the 6bc8 but uses more filiment current.
khstudio said:I made a voltage chart in EXCEL & a TEXT doc.
PL1 - Control Voltage (Threshold Off, Then 1st ON Position, Med & Full on) This one is tricky but important!
...Must have audio going thru unit, say 1.2v Test tone @ Input (Please measure AFTER connecting to input! due to loading)
& then set gain to have 1.2v at the output (with Threshold fully off)
Obviously everyone's measurements will be slightly off due the differences of Threshold controls, Taper & values chosen...
but if you KNOW your switch & values, posting the value along with the Voltage reading will be more accurate!
((((Sorry... This Test should have been added to the Test Sheet.))))
Below is the TEXT version & Attachment Version Below that.
PM670 Voltage Chart USER NAME =
"Inital setup" input gain & threshold control at 0
Measure voltages referenced to ground - Set RV3 wiper to -2.4VDC - Set RV6 wiper to -4.5VDC
Power Transformer & High Voltage output =
HR* = Heater resistor Value =
Volts - Before & After HR* =
VU METER "Type" =
R1 Before 47r - 2w
R1 After 47r - 2w
R2 Before 47r - 2w
R2 After 47r - 2w
CHANNEL - 6BC8 - Section
Q1 Emitter "Common node voltage of R1, 2, 3, 4 = 330r"
R2 330r Cathode = V1a
R1 330r Cathode = V1b
R4 330r Cathode = V2a
R3 330r Cathode = V2b
PL2 Pin 2 Center Tap of T2 - 10k:600 - 136v from R6 / VU Meter
PL2 Pin 1 Outer Tap 1 of T2 - 10k:600 - Voltage to Plates - One side of R6
PL2 Pin 3 Outer Tap 4 of T2 - 10k:600 - Voltage to Plates - One side of R6
PL3 Pin 2 Should be same as PL2-Pin 2 voltage
PL3 Pin 1 136v INPUT - to R6 & VU Meter
CHANNEL - 5687 - Section
R10 330r "Common node voltage of R11, 12, 13, 14"
R11 47r Cathode = V3a
R12 47r Cathode = V3b
R13 47r Cathode = V4a
R14 47r Cathode = V4b
PL8 Pin 2 Center Tap of T4 - 10k:600 - 245v INPUT
PL8 Pin 3 Outer Tap 1 of T4 - 10k:600 - Voltage to Plates - One side of R15
PL8 Pin 1 Outer Tap 4 of T4 - 10k:600 - Voltage to Plates - One side of R15
I ran some tests, using 1x 5687 in the left ch & 2x 5687's for the right.
All of the voltages into & out of the sidechain section & the control voltages matched at various settings!
So then I did some "Burst" tests to check & see the "Attack Time" in the computer... they also were no different & appeared to be pretty fast (aprox 2-5ms)
Then I listened & could not tell a difference between the 2 channels...
I'd like to run the 670 with just One 5678 instead of 2 but I need to ask, what is the downside of this if any
& does the cathode resistor need to be adjusted & to what?
The Voltage at the 330r & 47r node is:
2 tubes = 12-13v
1 tube = 10-11v
The main reason for me wanting to run it like this is the HEAT is drastically reduced everywhere except the heater resistor.
I know the sidechain amp has a lot to do with the "Attack Time" but how is it that the One tube does the same job as having 2?
*** The Philips & newer Tung-Sol both reacted the same when doing the "single tube" test. ***
lolo-m said:Rowan's TC network doesn't need a lot of power to work... It charges a really small cap on attack...
khstudio said:I must say I'm really surprised that no one else is having issues with a HOT Edcor Power transformer.
Here are the readings:
Total Heater Current draw = 5.27 amps
15 min = 98 deg F
30 min = 110 deg F
45 min = 115 deg F
60 min = 120 deg F
90 min = 128 deg F
120 min = 135 deg F
At this point the PT is too hot to keep your hand on for more than 5 seconds... if that!
Here are the readings with "Just ONE Tube in the Side Chains" - Both Ch:
Total Heater Current draw drops from 5.27 amps to 3.58 amps
15 min = 95 deg F
30 min = 98 deg F
45 min = 103 deg F
60 min = 106 deg F
90 min = 107 deg F
120 min = 107 deg F
MUCH Better, no?
khstudio said:This is part of an email I sent to Rowan concerning using only ONE 5687 in the sidechain:
I ran some tests, using 1x 5687 in the left ch & 2x 5687's for the right.
All of the voltages into & out of the sidechain section & the control voltages matched at various settings!
So then I did some "Burst" tests to check & see the "Attack Time" in the computer... they also were no different & appeared to be pretty fast (aprox 2-5ms)
Then I listened & could not tell a difference between the 2 channels...
I'd like to run the 670 with just One 5678 instead of 2 but I need to ask, what is the downside of this if any
& does the cathode resistor need to be adjusted & to what?
The Voltage at the 330r & 47r node is:
2 tubes = 12-13v
1 tube = 10-11v
The main reason for me wanting to run it like this is the HEAT is drastically reduced everywhere except the heater resistor.
I know the sidechain amp has a lot to do with the "Attack Time" but how is it that the One tube does the same job as having 2?
*** The Philips & newer Tung-Sol both reacted the same when doing the "single tube" test. ***
lolo-m said:Rowan's TC network doesn't need a lot of power to work... It charges a really small cap on attack...
Thanks for the info...
Do you see any downside to the one tube side chain at all?
What about charging the 10uF Cap?
less release (or a weird release action)