the hum problem is solved, I just forgot to make the ground connection on the input / output board
although, it is quite noisy, slightly dulling the sound and lots of 'messy' bass response, problably due to the transformers.
filament voltage is only around 5, 7 volts, can't get this higher ?!?
strange enough I cannot get the attack pot working, it seems to be working in a slow setting only.
edit: ZAP ! there we go. the trimpot between the meter connections touched ground. now there is only a low, distorted sound, and the treshold pot isn't reacting, meter neither.
I hope I didn't blow a transformer :'( swapped the tubes, when turning on, there comes a little bit of sound, meter moves a little, then sound and meter are dropping till there's no sound at all...
measured the power supply outputs: 245 V line gives 130 V, the 136 V line gives around 70 V.