More fighting with poorman, standard setup. I have now highly matched tubes, and have gotten both channels behaving equally.
But there's still massive distortion (same on both channels), and I'm definitely not seeing even close the 18dB amplification that should be present with the make up gain 6BC8 amp, I have about 10dB, and even then extremely distorted. I can't get clean audio from input to output even when I set the unit to unity, and with no compression. At max amplification, and modern levels at output, it sounds just nasty. It's like there's no headroom at all!
The distortion I have is very odd looking. Not cross-over distortion, but not the type of crunch associated with lack of headroom either (flattened waveform)
This is the setup:
1. feed clean 6.9dBu 100hz sinewave to poorman input.
2. Set poorman make up gain to full blast, no attenuation
3. Set compression to full attenuation (no compression)
This way I get about 12-13dBu sine at poorman output, but badly distorted.
The reason I use 6.9dBu at input is because I would have to otherwise attenuate the output going to my soundcard so it won't clip.
But really what all this means, is that I have absolutely no way to listen to clean audio even at unity gain through poorman, with no compression! when I start to compress, I have to use more make up gain, which means more distortion from the make up amp.
Notice the odd looking (but symmetrical) distortion I'm getting. It's like the sine wave is "thinned out".
Any ideas what's going wrong? As far as I know there should be FAR more headroom than that?
Could someone else simply feed about 7dBu 100hz sine to their poorman, and tell me if there's any distortion?
Also, what is the best way to disable sidechain amp completely, and cleanly take it out of the signal path? I'd like to isolate this. I'm quite positive the problem is with the 6BC8 amp, but just to be sure...