the world didn't end (again).

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im half tempted to do a bit of looking online for a group of beleivers in my local area so I can hang out with them on the day, then when nothing happens I'll just point and laugh.
Autophase said:
im half tempted to do a bit of looking online for a group of beleivers in my local area so I can hang out with them on the day, then when nothing happens I'll just point and laugh.
Several years back I recall some guy giving his fishing boat away and other things he wouldn't be able to use after the "rapture". When the predicted rapture didn't happen he tried to get his fishing boar back, unsuccessfully.

I expect similar gifts or bargains could be had from true believers, but it all seems a little dirty...

JohnRoberts said:
Autophase said:
im half tempted to do a bit of looking online for a group of beleivers in my local area so I can hang out with them on the day, then when nothing happens I'll just point and laugh.
Several years back I recall some guy giving his fishing boat away and other things he wouldn't be able to use after the "rapture". When the predicted rapture didn't happen he tried to get his fishing boar back, unsuccessfully.

I expect similar gifts or bargains could be had from true believers, but it all seems a little dirty...


I wonder if there is a subscriber of the 2012 end of the world theory who also owns an analogue systems fully modular synth they would be willing togive me prior to the end date?
I'm going on a monumental pi55 up on that date, given that its also the winter solstice, which they take very seriously in my mrs home town of llangollen.
I'm looking forward to it very much, and if the world does end, at least I'll be drunk surrounded by people I like.
Autophase said:
I'm going on a monumental pi55 up on that date, given that its also the winter solstice, which they take very seriously in my mrs home town of llangollen.
I'm looking forward to it very much, and if the world does end, at least I'll be drunk surrounded by people I like.
The last time I seriously pondered the end of the world, was back in the '70s after watching some realistic movie about nuclear war. Back then I decided I would drop acid and sit on a hill top with a cooler full of beer to watch the end play out. That still sounds like as good a plan as any,  8)  but I don't give the Dec 21, 2012 enders much credibility (and I don't have any acid laying around). So I'll be working on 12/21. just like any other friday just before christmas.

It's actually my last day of work until 3rd Jan 2012, So I wont be drunk until at least 18:30, that still gives me 5 and a half hours before the end.
Assuming of course that the apocalypse adheres to GMT........ but even then, if it does, the apocalypse might come on 21/12/2012 at 00:00:01, in which case I should get drunk on the evening of 20th.
It would help if I could confirm the date and time in writing.
End of the world? Now way, its the beginning of the golden age. Governments are going to admit we are not alone in the universe and finally make public all the amazing alien recording technology :)
abechap024 said:
End of the world? Now way, its the beginning of the golden age. Governments are going to admit we are not alone in the universe and finally make public all the amazing alien recording technology :)

Come on, governments can't even demonstrate a facility with math.....  8)


[add] alien technology is already here and in use, in mexican restaurants that don't suck... [/add]